Disheartened and thinking about selling

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by JD-3193, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. JD-3193

    JD-3193 New Member

  2. ugame

    ugame user #1

    AT LAST!!!!!

    A Readers Wives thread :D (and GF's)
  3. JD-3193

    JD-3193 New Member

    Make a thread for it :p Then I'll try to get a pic that actually does her justice.

    RENZED Girl in the black beast

    I think you've made the right move with selling the zed...if the love isn't there, then there's no point keeping it..:(
  5. JD-3193

    JD-3193 New Member

    Yeah :( I always thought I wanted a zed. I guess I just loved the looks and the novelty of targas + 4 seats.
    I got in it and thought "wow, this thing is fast and so good looking and so damn cheap. I'm going to buy it".
    I like the car, but it's not love. It's parked outside my house with bird sh*t on it at the moment :p And my attitude is "meh.. I'll clean it off later".
    If my MR2 got shat on I would be very irate. It's more than a car to me. I really can't sell her.

    Wow, what a rant :p
  6. ugame

    ugame user #1

    its good to talk these things through though.

    I could have been simular. If i'd Kept my 180sx AND had the zed, the zed would have sold within a month because I WOULD have come to the realisation you have.

    Diference for me was, I sold the 180sx to get the 300ZX. So "going back" was not an option.

    If I'd have thrown all the resulting $$$$ into the 180sx, id would be a 1/4 mile killer by now.

    You CLEARLY had a love for your MR2, so sticking with it IS the best option "for you".

    If you had the coin to be a "collector" then problem solved ;) :zlove:
  7. JD-3193

    JD-3193 New Member

    You're all right... I thought people would be flaming me for not favoring the zed :eek:


    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


    It's love...
  8. ugame

    ugame user #1

    Well at least you also have a good taste in colour ;)

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    She'll never be forgotten :eek:
  9. TQE-756

    TQE-756 Active Member


    A Zed's not about money or returns haha!! (Although you will spend the 1st and get the 2nd but in pure thrills)
    A Zed's about a passion for a unique automobile (89 onwards in particular)!! :confused:

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