Diff Breather Removal

Discussion in 'Technical' started by z-alot, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. z-alot

    z-alot Member

    I've noticed a build up of pressure in my diff after I undid the fill plug.

    I assume its probably best for me to remove the breather and check if its clogged.

    Does the Breather screw in or just pop out ? I dont see any screw threads when looking at the breather on CZP.


    FYI - Im at work so I haven't had a chance to check on my car yet, so thought its best to ask here before I start forcing things when I get back home.. :D
  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    It's a pushin fitting. I think I pulled mine out with pliers, or knocked out with a punch. Can't remember. It's on the back cover of the diff.
  3. z-alot

    z-alot Member

    Yeah I was looking for it for awhile last night, only saw a picture of it on the back cover today on the net.

    Thanks Chrispy now I know I just have to force upwards, might be a pain while its still in the car. Definitely have to unclog it dont want to blow out a fresh seal.

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