defected z because my seat moves

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mr300zxtt, May 23, 2010.

  1. supersonic

    supersonic New Member

    a few years ago a gentleman was booked for speeding, although he had a top-of-the-line (at the time) GPS Satnav system with datalogging. he took it to court, used his GPS data and proved his innocence. since then, satnav systems have been banned as evidence in court - yet its more accurate than their cameras/lasers. funny that :rolleyes:

    if a cop starts being a smartass just grab your phone and start recording. most phones are good enough to record conversations from within our pockets - or just hold it in your hand and try be inconspicuous if you dont want your phone destroyed :p
  2. yellow300zx

    yellow300zx Pimpin Ain't Easy

    Trouble with that is you know its not usable as evidence unless you tell them they are being recorded right? That's why cops (they have to me in the past) ask if its ok to record this (also call centres etc do it as well) so basically they can say / do whatever they want if its just you and them, and their word will always outweigh yours if it just comes down to that alone.
  3. fetus

    fetus Cowboy from hell.

    Are you sure? Police never tell you your being recorded from their car when they pull you over, and the footage from car can be used as evidence, also I do security, and a shopping center I work at we have small personal cameras attached to our ties which we use the footage from as evidence all the time and we never tell anyone their being recorded.
  4. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    that sucks....can i use that excuse aswell? they didnt ask for my permission before they recorded my speed lool
  5. fetus

    fetus Cowboy from hell.

    I may have evidence to get off a 145 in 100 zone speeding camera fine as its in someone elses car, at night (so probably no good shot of face) and the person whos car it was was working at the time and can prove it. so hopefully its a matter of police cant prove who was driving, no fine no demerits to anyone
  6. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    ive learnt my lesson with cops, if i ever get pulled over again ive got a button on my fone to go straight to voice recording. Ill take then straight to court. Fk them and there stupid ego's ye they may be pulling dead bodies out of accidents and saving people in other situations but shit like this is pure fkn boredness... My uncle is a law enforcer officer and drives a council car and he can pull over cars n shit and give out fines for certain things and i can garentee he does it only for power coz he can and its stupid shit he fines them for....

    And the reason i say this is because i had a problem last year with something and my lawyer said if i had some sort of recording to proove what happened and was said i would have had the upper hand but because it was only me and two of them i had no chance as in court two cops will lie and bring you down harder than you could on your own. Cops all have recording but they claimed the recording was not able to be saved or some stupid thing....
  7. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    yep. and sure they save some lives and help some people. but i meen that dosnt make them any difrent from anyone ells in the world. people with power abuse it coz they can.
  8. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member


    The first people to put their foot forward to assume power are usually the ones least responsible with it. A person with no interest in obtaining power are the best ones to give power to due their hesitancy.

    Quotes - getting philosophical now

    "It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power."

    David Brin

    "Power never takes a back step - only in the face of more power."

    Malcolm X

    "The problem of power is how to achieve its responsible use rather than its irresponsible and indulgent use - of how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public."

    Robert F. Kennedy

    "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens."

    Thomas Jefferson

    "The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

    William Hazlitt

  9. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Here's the trick.
    Ask the officer if he is recording the conversation.
    They always do in case they need to take anything to court.
    Once they know that you are aware the conversation is being recorded, they won't do anything silly, unless they're an idiot.

    In FATE's courtcase, evidence from the police recording of when they pulled him over was used in so far as, the officer told the court there were no other cars on the road, but the recording revealed car after car zooming past (it was a holiday weekend, what was the policeman thinking).
  10. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    bahahah classic.
  11. Mr300zxtt

    Mr300zxtt New Member

    i understand where ur coming from mate but defects have a black and white area and in between that is a massive grey area and i would like to know how many coppers out there really know what a defect is and what isn't.... IE the guy tried to tell me that i needed mesh in front of my intercooler ??? like WTF man so i challenged him on that and did not revive a defect notice for it.....

    but as for all the other wankers that drive there cars like hoons just to show there mates how fast they can go need to get of the road and to the track cause its destroying the import scene for all the other guys out there that look after and drive safe of the road .....

    ( yes we have all put our foot down once or twice but doing 160+ on the street is a lill over the top)

    my i ask what's the db limit on a bov if anyone knows cause mine r quite as ??
  12. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    If it is Atmo it is illegal. Simple as that.
  13. Mr300zxtt

    Mr300zxtt New Member

    so just cause they r on there its illegal.. but what is illegal about them?? the noise ?? and if its noise then there needs to be a standed for them correct ??

    sorry for my misunderstanding but everyting needs to have s standed like exzorst in nsw i think its 94dbs
  14. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

    The man says you can't have them, so you can't have them. Probably a pollution related rule, venting all that unburnt fuel to the atmosphere.
  15. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Noise is part of it. It is more to do with the emissions. A atmo BOV releases air out of the intake after the AFM. The AFM reads so much air, then the BOV releases some of it, then ecu still things it's all in there and injects the full amount of fuel. This then runs rich and kills the polar bears and little kittens with the excess CO2.
  16. yellow_300zx

    yellow_300zx New Member

    LOL! but isnt unburnt fuel beta for the atmo then burnt fuel that is coming out of the exhust anyway? but yea its just another one of those HEY! THATS NOT STOCK!! we can use this against theese hoons.. and make them all wanna sell there cars and get some lil bubble lookin things..

    ZXDEVIL Active Member

    The man is wrong! as per usual..
  18. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    Rich mixture probably makes more carbon monoxide, as opposed to lean burn that creates nitrous oxides.
    The thing is, if you are done for something that you know is illegal and you are caught, wear it on the chin.
    If you didn't know it was illegal and are caught, and it is illegal, you're unlucky and wear it on the chin.
    If the policeman has to spend 20 minutes to find something on your car or invents things that he feels may be illegal, challenge it :)

    After satying that, in QLD, it doesnt matter. If you get a defect notice (not a self repair notice), there is ian inspection fee of $75.10 at the dept. of transport regardless of whether it's a defect or not, ie even if the defect is cleared, you still pay.
  19. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Yep, right up until your mate gets investigated by the Motor Transport Dept(for issuing dodgy clearance certificates). When that happens, he will be removed from the list of Authorised Inspection Stations, will lose all the income he now gets from issuing these Certificates(and may even be charged).:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  20. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    I hate to be the one who states the obvious, BUT, there is no unburnt fuel associated with the air released by the BOV's, it's just clean, pressurised air(you may as well get done for letting some excess pressure out of your tyres).

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