Cruise control: Series 1 vs. Series 2?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Dominik, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. Dominik

    Dominik New Member

    Does anyone know if the Series 2 ASCD is better than series 1? I have learned from previous threads that the main difference is that the Series 1 ASCD ECU is 16bit and the Series 2 ECU is 32bit (and that the wiring plugs are different).

    But does the 32 bit ECU react to load changes better than the 16 bit ECU in the series 1?

    Reason i am asking is that i just finished retrofitting the Z32 ASCD parts (Series 1) into my Y32 Cedric; Now, my car has a digital speedo, so possible to see that it has a variance of about 4km/h when it gets to a hill (when set to 60km/h). Not bad, but i wonder if the Series 2 is more accurate?

    Unlike the Z's, i had none of the wiring, plugs or brackets that i could use. Therefore i had to make a full custom harness, switches etc... And since i have a custom harness now, i should be able to upgrade to a series 2 ASCD unit, if it is indeed better (running 4 extra wires wouldnt be too hard)

    Has anyone actually got the wiring diagrams for the Series 2 ASCD?
  2. blue32zx

    blue32zx The answer is 42

    good luck to you

    i have been searching for a s2 computer for over 5 months...seems no1 has one spare....

    ADAMZX 2000spec Conversion

    When i install mine sometime in the future ill let everyone know if it makes any improvements to the cruise control at all but i dout it. I think i heard the reason for the upgrade to the 32 bit ASCD is becuase of the ODII addition but i dunno why.
  4. AndyMac

    AndyMac Better than you

    Nissan didn't use OBDII in series 2 vehicles, it wasn't until much later circa 96 I think.

  5. Dominik

    Dominik New Member

    Hmmm... I didnt think they would be so rare!

    So does anyone have the wiring diagrams?

    What about people with factory installed cruise on a '92+ car? How does it cope with hills etc?

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