Comparison between TwinZ Design Wing and 90-93 OEM TT Wing

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by TheTwinZ (Peru), Feb 22, 2012.

  1. TheTwinZ (Peru)

    TheTwinZ (Peru) New Member

    People has been asking for a comparison thread between our new rear wing and the 90-93 OEM wing to see the main differences between each other, so here are some detailed pics to show the main differences between each other.








  2. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    Nice, a little bit thicker , looks good.

    I think you missed something about the comparisons:

    -stock is available in australia
    -twinz rear spoiler, wont be available
  3. bains

    bains ZedCop

    Stop showing us the pics, bring it here in australia...
  4. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Yep! What he said.:zlove: I would buy one.:br:
  5. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    What do you know(that the rest of us are unaware of)?:confused:
  6. TheTwinZ (Peru)

    TheTwinZ (Peru) New Member

    It will be available, guys! Noone said something about not making it available in Australia...The spoiler and all our products should arrive to Australia in late June and noone will change that ;)

    Here's our last UPDATE we posted on the pre-order thread:

    Sorry for the lack of updates, but we are so focused on the production right now, as well as developing new stuff that will be launched to the market in a few months.

    Just wanted to let you guys know that UAS has been doing a great work on the pre-order and we are still moving forward with this, keeping the prices unchanged.

    The pre-order has been extended to March 20th since we have a decent amount of Australian members looking to order in the next few weeks.

    We are also looking to have the order ready to ship to Australia by late March and ship it as soon as possible, so you can have your parts by the end of June.

    UAS will be carrying a decent stock of products, so you will be able to order after the pre-order is over, but paying the regular (non pre-order) price.

    UAS will be also improving the packaging on all this products, so customers will get their products in excellent conditions.

    Please, if you have any questions let us know!

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