clutch running in?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by daz_300, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. daz_300

    daz_300 daz_300

    well after many dramas, tears and swearwords, 5 packs of smokes and a slab of mothers. my new lightened flywheel and stage 3, 6 puck clutch is in.
    no thanks to a snapped pivot bolt in the hole, stuck pilot bush and leaking rear main seal, and broken tailshaft centre bearing. but now it is all done and going good. the question i am left with is does the new clutch require some sort of running in? and how long do people recommend?


    When I did my clutch i let it run in for about 300k's ( I think ) lol it should tell you on the box, mine was a full faced feramic heavy duty one, basicaly dont drop the clutch or ride it too much for about 300 to 500k's
  3. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    Depending on the brands. I've seen some recommend driving it "normally" for at least 1000 kms. Others less. I think you should be safe bedding it in with normal driving over 2 tanks of fuel.
  4. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    Hey, I have always been advised to take it easy on a new clutch.
  5. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    Might seem silly, but have you asked the manufacturer or read the manufacturers documents?
  6. daz_300

    daz_300 daz_300

    documents just say run in to the required time but dont give a km amount. have emailed manufacturer in usa, but still awaiting response. just wanted to ask people in their experience what there's have taken. just to get a aprox time frame.

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    500 kms IIRC. No drag launching it and keep slipping to a minimum.

    Seemed to work out well enough.
  8. SRB-2NV


    I had my F1 Stage 3 done today, mechanic told me 1000km run in.
  9. lurker_nz

    lurker_nz New Member

    Just drive the fricking car. If the clutch can't cope with your normal driving then :

    1) You f&*%ed up and bought an underspeced clutch
    2) You f&*%ed up and bought an underspeced clutch
  10. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    Baaahahahaha pretty much waht HE said.
    I just avoid hard launching for a while is all. But dont "baby" it.


    GOTTAGO New Member

    I've never run a Clutch in, Full bore from first go and never had a Problem.
    You Don't see Race cars or any Kind of Motorsport Cars/Bikes Run theres In!!!??

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