Clutch?? Is there any room for adjustment

Discussion in 'Technical' started by entrancify, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. entrancify

    entrancify New Member

    if it is slipping at full noise??
  2. entrancify

    entrancify New Member

    Anyone??? Please (n/m)


    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    You can adjust the pedal......>>

    To find out how try doing a search on "clutch and adjustment". Unfortunately it wont get you much, if the clutch is slipping it is time to go shopping.
  4. Luig

    Luig luig

    If it takes up at the end of pedal travel

    as opposed to just off the floor then as Wkyyed says you had better go shopping :`( Luig:cool:

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