QLD Christmas Party!

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by Chrispy, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    Thanks again AUS 300 for hosting another event for me to pike at. Thats it the next one, my cruisers are being replaced with "v" and i am never drinking again haha.

    Gav and Maree, Thanks for hospitality. Your place is gorgeous!!!!

    Was great to meat some new faces, how ever I don't remember actually meeting Ed300zx so next time. Was great to see the existing faces.

    Thanks everyone for a great night.
    Thanks secret santa for the glasses.

    Now, PICS! PICS! PICS!

  2. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    Ho Ho Ho!!! What a great party! Our SEQ events are second to none!
    great to see everyone there, we all just seem to have the best times when we all get together like these nights.
    Massive thanks to Gav and Maree for hosting the party. Your place is beautiful, i'm very jealous of your place! Great food and even better company.

    We even managed to get a bit of a tech day in this morning on Fates car to narrow down his cooling issue, and I think we've just about nailed it. Sorry Magicmike that I had to bale on helping put your engine back in mate.

    Loved the party big time, as baz said - we keep raising the bar at all our events so where will it end?! Simply awesome guys!

    And a huge Merry Xmas to everyone! :)

    ..... now Aza, pull your fist out and post up every photo you have buddy! looking forward to some serious laughs! ;)
  3. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    no one ever does :(
  4. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    so which one were you again?
  5. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    that dude, you know
  6. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    We do too!!! lol :p
  7. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    hahahah oh yeah that one hahaha
  8. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    lil turtle had no clue who i was. i asked, do you know who i am? and she looked at me and shook her head. i was like oh, ok then lol so i tried, have you heard of the guy with the blue convertible? she shook her head again. mm what about ed300zx? nope. heard of the name erik? shakes head again lol. i couldnt think of any way of saying who i was so she MIGHT remember me lol
  9. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    She wouldve been getting you confused with Baz coz of his blue vert she saw last week.... umm, she hasnt met you before has she? She's a turtle thru and thru, once she warms up to ya, she comes out of her shell.... i spose like she was with Benny..... Bri knows him as 'Benny blue', so we'll have to come up with a nic for you so she remembers and can associate you and your zed etc. She associates names with the colour of the zed they drive....

    She knows Pexys, Bennys and Baz's, k-zed, Karl. She also knows that Stef is looking after Trevs silver zed that was here. When she sees the zeds on the forum, she tells me who they are.... lol
    (I guess she has to see you in it to know)
    We'll work in it Erik :p
  10. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    ahah all good :D

    when i was trying to say who i was and said i have the blue convertible, she was like, oh benny blue? and im like, nar but had to laugh
  11. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    hahahaha! What a cutie she is!! :)
    And she really liked my Santa hat too! Though i was gonna have to wrestle her for it! lol. Glad she (and you's) had a fun time.
  12. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    She would've taken you on too Benny...lol
  13. Cam

    Cam ****

    Thank you so much Gav and Maree. Last night was huge and I know this because I woke up drunk and near lost my voice :D

    Narrowed Fate's cooling issue down to air flow problem, new fan clutch is a dud and the thermo is dead too :rolleyes:

    Fate and I spent until some time after lunch still at Gav and Maree's swapping rims, getting sun burnt and haggling over them. In the end we had a win. Fate got to keep his rims and I got VS's :D (see sig) what a great xmas prezzy they became :bigggrin:
  14. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    Come on aza Pics or Ban....


    I was thinking too.... we didnt get any pics with the zeds lined up....

    we didnt even bother to line the zeds up...

  15. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Merry X-mas!!!

    Thanks Gav and Maree in the biggest way possible. Such an awesome x-mas party weekend. True spirit of Christmas in my opinion.

    Nothing better than being surrounded by friends who may as well be family, a bit of gift giving, a fire and smiles and hugs all round. OH and a little alcohol thrown in for good measure ;).

    The starting time was supposed to be 7pm. I'm sure that we had at least 5 zeds there by 3pm on Saturday afternoon. :cool2: Didn't take long and we were getting stuck into the UHF install. Suprisingly enough though we didn't spend all night talking to each other on that from one end of the property to the other. :p

    Was good to finally meet and DELIVER ;) MrKarter. Hope he enjoyed the drive ;):rolleyes2: seeing the faces you don't see very often made it even more Christmas like. Was just like a big family get together really!

    Magic Mike - Thanks for the radiator mate, just hope the beer was satisfactory in return :D it didn't fix the problem... but it's brought us another step closer to determining the culprit.

    Like Sticky said, we decided to hang around a good couple of hours afterwards and just enjoy the serenity!!!

    I've got so much to say and so many thankyou's for another absolutely awesome weekend! - Words can't explain how good it was.

    :D :D :D :biggrin:


  16. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    Just make sure that Santas helpers get their outfits back....LOL
  17. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    The proper ones......
  18. Nasty_Girl

    Nasty_Girl Member

    BAHAHAHA.... i swear you were sending yourself msgs just so you could hear that song

  19. Lady Z

    Lady Z Lovin' my Z

    :biggrin:Gavan and I are so happy that everyone had a great time - we also had an amazing time......what a great way to spend 24 hours - first Zedders arrived at 3pm, I finally crawled up the stairs to go to bed at 3am, and then we watched the antics of Fate and 571cky's bargaining and bantering till just under 3pm yesterday afternoon :cool:

    Thank you so much for everyone pitching in and bringing food along and also for helping to clean up during the night (I will be snapping some toes before every Zed event from now on :biggrin:)

    You are all an amazing bunch of people, and it is always great to see the old faces and meet new ones each time.......makes me proud to own a Zed..........

    If Aza doesn't come through with the pics soon, I have a few or my own I can post up :eek:

    Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and looking forward to seeing you all next year :D
  20. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Careful Maree...

    If you post your own pics up you'd best watch to make sure you don't post any that shouldn't be there ;). :p :rolleyes2: hehehe

    I'm the colour of a Lobster's pincers dipped in boiling hot water.

    Such an absolute blast. LOVED IT!


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