Discussion in 'Technical' started by l0stwhite, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. l0stwhite

    l0stwhite [L0rds]

    will i have any trouble if i remove my cats will it run rich or lean or will comp fix its self??????

    thanks all
    reasion for removing is i have a NEW pipe bender yay

    and not it not agains the LAW because i am in DARWIN and no body here cares about any thing but them selfs

    thanks all
  2. AndyMac

    AndyMac Better than you

    May run a little richer, but the ecu will self learn pretty quickly.


    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    You may notice more oil smoke from the exhaust. People who have removed their cats and installed dumps / testpipes have on occasion noticed substantial amount of smoke due to the reduction of backpressure, and leaking turbo seals.
  4. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    sorry,but thats a pisspoor excuse not to run cats,remember your environment is everyone elses as well,if you cant afford the cats,then start saving :lame:
  5. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    Says someone driving a 20yr old petrol guzzler. I didnt know you were so concerned Simon :) I assume you drive a gas VW or a hybrid electric then?

    Take out the cats she`ll be right.
  6. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    yes,im a law abiding citizen and respect authority as you know lmaooooo :eek: ,but on a serious note :) ,my cats were screwed and i chose to spend 600 on them to so i could protect the environment :p (so i could then go and get magnaflow mufflers and crack the 130db mark and deafen everyone in creation ):D :D :D :D
  7. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    130Db :eek: :eek: :eek:

    only allowed 96 i thought, or is that just qld?
  8. red32

    red32 You talkin' to me?

    90dB in Victoria!
  9. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Get two de-cat pipes built and swap them out and see how it goes.
  10. l0stwhite

    l0stwhite [L0rds]

    yer thanks all apart from one person ........... ummmmmmm.... thanks again
  11. Z-Force

    Z-Force SHIFT_Charizma

    Richie rich...

    You wont run rich, but it may have an affect on your Turbo's in regards to backpressure. It's not the case for everyone though and you might be fine. But some people who have removed their cats had problems with leaking turbo seals from the lack of back pressure, which then resulted in burning oil and smoke out the tail pipe. Other people have never had a problem...

    But just remember, the role of the Cats is to convert harmful gases such as Carbon Monoxide into regular gases which are safer for the environment and yourself. CO is harmful to humans, breathe enough of it and it will kill you. If this is your daily driver, I would put the cats in...not worth the risk.

  12. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    glad i could be of help,anytime you need smart advice,give me a buzz :D :D :D

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