Carbon fiber drive shaft length

Discussion in 'Technical' started by vbevan, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member


    Trying to work out why this driveshaft isn't fitting, then I put it next to the old one:


    This driveshaft is about 125 cm long in total and the actual shaft is around 95 cm long. Does anyone have the length of a one piece 2 seater driveshaft? I'm assuming the one I have ISN'T for a 2 seater? Or am I missing something here?

    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    LOL guessing your correct!

    Thats got to be 2 + 2 tailshaft! :eek:

  3. ports

    ports the pro

    Looks like a 2+2 manual to me.:cool:
  4. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Assuming that it is a shaft for a 300ZX Z32, then you have a 2+2 shaft, obviously.:eek::zlove:
  5. aK

    aK Banned

    ill swap you for a 2 seater chrome molly manual single peice shaft, plus cash on top?
  6. method

    method Active Member

    lol that's gotta suck.
  7. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Sorry, I would but I do want a CF replacement. Got a plan of where I want my Z to end up/ Thanks for the offer though aK.

    Hopefully this ends up being StS sent the wrong one out to the guy I bought this off and I can just do a straight swap or something.
  8. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    im doing my told ya so dance right about now.... lol
  9. Street to Strip

    Street to Strip Account Disabled


    ..............I have just read your PM vbevan and that sure seems to be a 2+2 Drive Shaft, if it is for a Z32.:) If you bought that from Casey as you say, he bought that from me many months ago and I have not heard from him saying that it was the wrong one. I did not know that he sold it:confused:
  10. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Yeah, in this thread he sold it:

    And he says it's for a 2 seater etc. and seeing as how he has a 2-seater, seems maybe he got sent the wrong one?

    I'm still trying to contact him to check, but if he was sent the wrong one, is it possible to do a straight swap or could we work something out? He never used it cause he is doing a manual conversion and I just lay it next to my old one as I took it out and obviously it's never been in my car haha (I wish it could be in there :() so it's still "brand new".
  11. Street to Strip

    Street to Strip Account Disabled

    ....Hey Vaughan.....`

    ......according to my records dated 5th December 2006, Casy ordered a CF Drive shaft in a GB that was running at that time.:cool: My records show that he ordered a 1990 Z32 - 2 seater Auto, and that was the order sent to ACPT.:) As I said I have heard nothing until now:confused: I will PM you to sort something out;)
  12. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    maybe its you vaughan!

    maybe u actually have a 2+2 manual.. have u ever checked your end?
  13. Claymen

    Claymen Active Member

    I will have a look at mine when I get home.
  14. Miksta

    Miksta M Spec

    I'll gladly take it off ur hands

    Vaughan if all goes bad ;)
  15. topher

    topher Banned

    wouldnt the CF one be shorter then?
  16. CurnZ

    CurnZ zero rwkw

    if it fits a 2+2 manual I'll have it ;)
  17. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    lol, I'm pretty sure my car is a 2 seater auto hey...dumbass

    I had a look under the car, not even close to fitting in anyway shape or form :p
  18. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    I can give accurate lengths, are the 2+2 manual and auto different lengths? The lengths above are fairly spot on, within 2 cms each way accuracy and it weighs about 6 kgs, maybe a touch less.
  19. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Thanks, would be good to see what size the 2 seater size is meant to be haha. Even if it helps when I next buy one :p

    Can't believe ACPT sent out the wrong one :(
  20. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    hahah accuracy 20mm+-? lol thats an oxymoron dude haha

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