body kit on gumtree WA

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by SanDy69, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. SanDy69

    SanDy69 Member

  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Veilside normally hangs very low at the front and it's rare to keep them in one piece for much longer than 2 weeks. They are also hideously ugly, but your car, you can make it ugly if you want :p

    As to how well they fit, all depends, some are a great fit and some aren't much chop. I had a similar rear bar and it was a good fit.
  3. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

  4. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    Ide be happy to be paid $500 to take that kit away to the tip. Seems like a reasonable deal.
  5. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    on stock height you will be under the 100mm at the lip.. lower the car and you have no chance of going anywhere
  6. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

  7. TQE-756

    TQE-756 Active Member

    Ahmmm sort of...

    Squid mongster shark type of thing with large looby lips!! ecclesplaination I can come up with for it!
    Or wait... paint it yellow and put it in a park near the City for people to sleep under :eek:
  8. AAU54U

    AAU54U Member

  9. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    That car is actually $79.99

    Just got the comma wrong.
  10. SanDy69

    SanDy69 Member

    thanks for all the can stay there, after seeing it on a supra thats were it belongs the c1 is better looking but a 2000 front bar is the go....for me anyway...:thumbup:
  11. _Robbo_

    _Robbo_ Active Member

  12. 3clipse

    3clipse #TEAMROB

    I'm going to say that the new owner sobered up from their drug bender and saw this sitting in their drive way, and is now desperately trying to get rid of it.

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