Blown AC fuse

Discussion in 'Technical' started by whoppersandwich, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    Tried turning on the aircon, it was blowing through the vents but wasnt getting cold and the compressor wasnt engaging. checked the fuse and it was blown. Replaced it with a new 10 amp one from supacheap but that blew too... Any ideas?
  2. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    IS 10 amp the right size? Seems small as the aircon soleniod pulls heaps of current when it engages.
  3. cru1sr

    cru1sr Bayside Hustla

    My wife's previous car was doing this years ago (2002 Astra). A/C Compressor Clutch. You need to get someone to put a new coil in there as it has burned out.
  4. sparkytheZmonkey

    sparkytheZmonkey New Member

    Yeah, I thought most A/C circuits were 30A?
    (check a manual/fuse-table to be sure)
    If it still pops, then I'd say cru1sr's diagnosis was correct.
  5. cru1sr

    cru1sr Bayside Hustla

    If it's the one I'm thinking of it's the 10A Air Con control fuse. Closest to the yellow coolant overflow bottle lid. Not the BIG fuse.

  6. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    Yeah its the little red 10A fuse
  7. cru1sr

    cru1sr Bayside Hustla

    Yeah. That's what I was guessing. Judging by your symptoms it is a burned out coil in the compressor clutch. The wife's car was a company car and under warranty at the time so they just replaced the entire compressor unit.

    Dunno about cost of a Zed a/c compressor but for other cars you can either get someone to replace the coil, the compressor clutch or the entire compressor (with its clutch) depending on the cost. Someone else more experienced in Zeds may give you an idea of what it would cost or the time taken to do either of those jobs. If you've got the dosh, you may wanna replace the entire compressor while things are pulled to bits anyways.


  8. OZX_320

    OZX_320 Detachable Member

    with cru1ser on this. Burnt out compressor clutch. 10A fuse is for the compressor clutch and the aux fan control circuit. Clutch can be removed and rewound with the compressor in situ. Recently happened to me.

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