another balance factor question

Discussion in 'Technical' started by method, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. method

    method Active Member

    Is the stock balance factor for the Z's crank ~30% ?
  2. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution

    I know a lot of engine builders do the forged internals to 50% on average but no do not know what stock is still trying to find the difference between a stock VG crank and the 800USD Nismo one.
  3. method

    method Active Member

    It's not a matter of 'doing it to this' or 'doing it to that' which is why they call it the black art or whatever. It also has nothing to do with the crank alone, it takes into account the:

    weight placement
    the reciprocating path plus a small oscillation of the rods
    the rods maximum angle of inclination - bore axis
    the rod length and ratio
    the geometric center of the rods
    the angle between the cylinders
    desired RPM range
    tolerance of vibration
    amount of power developed
    type of engine mount
    engine mount attachments etc
    dynamic factors such as pressure acting as weight such as vacuum
    compression and combustion pressure
    piston ring and drag
    recripocating component motion vs direction

    and the list goes on.. and on.. and on.. then each detail goes into depth that I don't understand, nor would anyone on this forum, maybe not even the forum, unless you have been balancing engines all your life like the guys who told me this and from where I read some of it.

    The more I research into this it seems as though there is no such thing in saying "if it's balanced then, it's balanced". Another thing I have found out that there IS a need for a harmonic dampener regardless of if the crank is internally balanced or not, but again it's something for the owner to decide on. It goes into way to much detail :p why can't it just be simple :(

    I guess this explains why some balancers have no idea about it.


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