Amsoil oil filter with Rx Super Oil?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by z-alot, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. z-alot

    z-alot Member

    Looking at doing a short term cheap oil change with Rx Super to clean out my system a little bit, I have a spare Amsoil 10 microron oil filter. Would the filter be okay to use with conventional oil instead of synthetic?

    I assume it should be okay since its just a synthetic filament instead of a cellulose one inside the filter but not sure if the finer filteration matters at all when using a conventional oil. ie. amsoil 10 micron filter vs ryco some bigger micron rating for sure..

    Just want to double check..

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    I would say yes but keep an eye on your oil presure gauge. I have that oil in my Zed at the moment and although it rarely gets driven to date not a worry at all. I think the good thing about that oil is it breaks the sludge down very slowly so you don't get chunks like an engine cleaner can do resulting in a blocked pick up.
    Cheers Dave
  3. z-alot

    z-alot Member

    Just wondering with Rx Super, is it okay to use it as a permanent replacement ?

    Tossing up if its a good idea to get a 20L keg seems cheaper than my full synthetic and I would prefer to do more frequent oil changes at a cheaper price.

    Also thinking about grabbing the OEM Nissan filters from CZP seems pretty good value.

    I'll definitely be watching my oil gauge like a hawk since never ran this oil before.

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