Aircon Compressor assembly

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Adamness, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    So... I forget how my aircon compressor bolts back onto its bracket.. Which wouldn't be an issue if the bolts for it weren't placed into a big container full of other bolts etc by someone else (honest!) and engine in car :rolleyes:

    Anyone able to help me out? I can't seem to find anything by searching or in tech. Just after a photo or a diagram to make it click in my brain how it works!


  2. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    Dude.. just offer up the compressor to the bracket. If the pulleys are more or less inline then it will become very obvious how it attaches.

  3. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    I understand how the top part attaches, I even found the bolts :D

    Its just the tensioner configuration I'm not sure on? I have a weird little T thingy with 2 bolts in it which I assume is the tensioner however the thread doesn't quite seem to fit in one of the 2 holes that are available. The fact that there are 2 holes on the bottom with a thread also is suss! :confused:

  4. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    Ahh ok M8.
    its just the original post was how the copmpressor bolts to the bracket see?

    The tensioner is pretty straightforward but takes too long to describe. have a quick look at someone elses if you can.

  5. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Yeah I was still in the process of looking for the bolts so was keen for a picture. I still can't find one that shows the tensioner configuration!

  6. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

  7. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Thats exactly what I needed, thanks mate. It all makes sense now!

  8. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Does this mean I've gained my respect back :)
  9. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Yes, Yes it does :p :D

  10. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    I'm still keeping the "pink" grill :D
  11. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    It's OK. I will bring a can of black or red spray paint to zedfest and ninja it at night for you! :p

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