AC Compressor

Discussion in 'Car Parts for Sale or Wanted' started by Diesel Dave, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Guest

    After much debate have decided that in a permanent open top car and AC is an unnecessary cost. Therefore, It is forsale. It have been brush polished and clear coated, and has the associated pulley. Including a brand new AC belt. $80.

    Also have a few 300zx badges for any one who is interested. I don't have the time to the silver and blue ones.Sorry those who have waited.
  2. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Long time no hear Dave! If the compressor works (without noise)....

    I'll very likely take it. BTW: is it reconditioned or straight off a car?

    Also, do you have any other associated aircon bits?

    Look forward to catching up and seeing your project!

  3. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Long time no hear Dave! If the compressor works (without noise)....

    I'll very likely take it. BTW: is it reconditioned or straight off a car?

    Also, do you have any other associated aircon bits?

    Look forward to catching up and seeing your project!

  4. IB

    IB ?????

    Don't sell it, install it ....>>

    A mate of mine had an MX-5 and he regularly used the aircon with the roof down.

    I don't know how hard it will be to fit in your car but if you can, then I would recommend it.
  5. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Agree - we use the air con in our top down MX5 all the time
  6. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    I'm pretty certain this car will not have any kind of roof, if I remember..

    my conversation with Dave correctly.

    However, happy to be corrected.

  7. IB

    IB ?????

    Vincent, you seem to have missed the point ...>>

    we are saying that AC is still useful when you don't have a roof. So it would still be useful for Dave.

    Candu and I both talked about using AC with the roof down, which is the same as not having a roof.

  8. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Got it.
  9. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Decided on this yet Diesel Dave..?
  10. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Guest

    Thanks Guys

    You are right that you would use the AC. BUT..... It is going to be a significant additional cost to fit. Also, I won't have a windscreen so I was starting to wonder if it was such a good idea.
    After much debate, including what you were saying about the MX5, I decided against it. It was actually the pipe work to the condensor that is the biggest chore.
    Anyway, Vincent. I pulled the compressor apart, replaced the seals, and gave it an overall checked before I fitted it (I am not keen to have to pull apart the car to fix 2nd hand pieces). It is in perfect condition, so will do you very well. It is yours if you want it.
    Car is progressing well. I'll put an up date soon.

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