A/T Lamp Problem and a few questions

Discussion in 'Technical' started by danrody, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. danrody

    danrody New Member

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    Hey everyone, I've had my zed for just over a week now and it really drives beautifully and im very happy with it :) but the more research and reading I do the more small problems I find.

    So my most recent problem is that the A/T light does not come on with the ignition set to on, like the manual says it should. I was going to do the A/T troubleshoot procedure but obviously cant without the lamp working.

    All the other lights come on like the manual says they should, including the power lamp which comes on for like a second then goes off, is that normal?

    So basically what I'm asking is if there is any basic procedure to detect and fix what part of the A/T light circuit is broken or am I best off just getting someone to check it out?

    Also this is probably me being sensitive, but is a warm metal-ish smell normal after a decent drive? I know that description isnt great but its hard to describe smell haha. It seems more like its coming from under the car as opposed to the engine, not a bad smell, I suppose a smell that you would associate with working machinery so i'm just wondering if thats normal?

    Any opinions and help is welcomed and appreciated (I did try search but did not find a whole lot :p)

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