A request for help with airconditioner gremlins...

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Slithz, May 14, 2013.

  1. Slithz

    Slithz Member

    Ok so I've been putting off posting about this problem for a while, but now that winter isn't far off and everyone who's looked at it is stumped, up we go. Any advice, suggestion or observation is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.

    First of all, my zed is a 1990 imported auto TT with climate control. The problem started a few months ago in the height of summer's heat; my aircon was going a bit weird on me, I'd set it to 10 degrees and the heater would come on and sit at maximum, switching the temperature up and down and turning it on and off would fix it for a brief while. Shortly afterwards that solution no longer worked and the zed decided it would try and deepfry me in 40 degree heat, eventually I had a mobile auto-elec that my family regularly use have a look, he fiddled around a bit under the dash and basically said he couldn't figure it out. The next day and for a very brief while afterwards, the climate control decided to work and I was getting cold air again and it would heat up when the temperature was raised; evidentally he'd bumped something that made the zed like me again. It didn't take long however for the airconditioner to become stuck permanently at maximum, despite setting it to 40... this is a problem for someone who drives to work at 3 in the morning.

    I did a little googling and found out where the internal ambient temperature sensor was (the one near the map lamps), so I took the trim off and discovered that I didn't actually even have one, just a forlorn cable, and two screws securing nothing where the sensor should be... This leads me to the question, how the hell did the climate control work when I first bought the car and for quite a while afterwards? Anyway, the new sensor I bought from conceptz arrived today, I've put it in and the problem persists...

    Try and keep it simple... my cat rivals me in terms of mechanical understanding and letting me near anything electrical is a good way to start a fire.
  2. ryzan

    ryzan Moderator Staff Member

    Can't you also do diagnostics through the stock auto climate control?
  3. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    might have been working in a half arsed way of the ambient temperature sensor.

    if you havent already install the internal fan, and see if that makes a difference.

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