$550 plus parts, sound right to replace rear main seal?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Ollie_J, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Ollie_J

    Ollie_J Member

    Thats rough quote from xspeed (perth), basically a days labour. They reckon they will pull the motor rather then drop the transmission, which would be more work surely. Just wondering the merits of that.

    Was recommended another place by the guy that did my car alarm in maddington, inter..something, but can't find it in the phonebook.
  2. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    I had my rear main done before I purchased my Z

    in Queensland, at BR motors. They had to drop the transmission to check a crunch in 4th and did the seal at the same time, and all up cost $350. Not sure why they'd pull the motor to do a rear main seal?
  3. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    Ollie you are thinking of Interpower
  4. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel


    For $550??? Don't think so. :wacko:

    Nah, they drop the tranny ... easy as. Costs about $400 over here in QLD.

    Better get another opinion.
  5. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Absolutely no reason to pull the motor. I saw mine done, and once...

    the exhaust is off, the tranny comes out and the rear seal just about slaps you in the face - all done in no time.

    Also, have some of the excess engine hoses that can be reached removed once the tranny is out...just a thought.

  6. nova

    nova New Member

    Re: Absolutely no reason to pull the motor. I saw mine done, and once...

    I had mine done the same time as I did my cluth. All up was around $1100 from memory inc heavy duty clutch, rear main and labour. Don't see why they'd pull the engine...
  7. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Much bigger job to pull the engine.

    Dropping the tranny is the way to go. I'd get a second opinion if I were you.

  8. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    removing the motor is ridiculous.....

    if only the rear main seal is being done. I got my rear main seal repaired for $250. That included new seal and some other gearbox related stuff while the tranny was off. Exhaust has to come off, along with drive shaft and then the tranny. Thats it. Go to another workshop.

  9. Mr Trickle

    Mr Trickle New Member

    yeh it's not a tough job, $550 too much

    Have you got a decent set of tools? It really isn't that difficult if you have some mech reasoning ability, access to the service manual (which is useless but gives you torque specs), and some tech articles from TTnet etc.
  10. FranZ

    FranZ franzonline.net

    Just spoken to Xspeed - that price is to drop tranny and not pull motor!
  11. Ollie_J

    Ollie_J Member

    Recommended few more places, far variation in prices

    Precise - $350 all up - Would need written quote to even consider.

    Xspeed $550 + parts - 1 week backlog

    hyperdrive - ~500 + parts - least 2 week backlog

    phils mechanical - $539 + parts

    Jap parts plus - $350 + parts

    interpower - Don't work on zeds no more other then exisiting customers :(

    speedworks - $539 + parts - 1 or 2 weeks backlog, highly recommended by g/fs brother in law (evo driver) but nathans experience makes me wary

    Leaning towards speedworks or hyperdrive, unless anyone has any great stories about jap parts plus
  12. Skooby

    Skooby New Member

    Z shop quote..

    Recent Quote from Z shop (Melbourne)

    Replace rear main seal, service transmission & replace turbo water hoses $700
  13. ZPilot

    ZPilot New Member

    That's about right

    all those things should take around 10 hrs+($60 per hr) parts + gst
  14. method

    method Active Member

    10 hours? I dropped a box, replace the main seal, hoses

    and changed the clutch, put everything back into the car and had it running in 6 hours with 2 of us and a hoist. For work like that you don't need to go to a 'specialist' or anything.. a good mechanic should do it in 5-7 hours MAX with no dramas.

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