
Discussion in 'Technical' started by dancinelbenito, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. dancinelbenito

    dancinelbenito New Member

    hi and thanks to this forum i saved a bucket load of mullah on my 100,000k. service . the whole process cost me $600 in parts and $350 for fitting .
    i got my pulleys[x3]most oil seals,hoses and all belts off consolidated bearing, the pulleys alone were only $70[x2]+$90[auto tensioner- instead of the $270 i was quoted !!! ] belts were $90 for timing and the rest cost $60-$70 . oil seals were around $10 . i got a waterpump from sprint for $100 and a thermostat for $35. all other parts i got off nissan. i am sure the purists here will bag me for not getting oem parts , but after seeing the prices i could'nt afford that cost . my local and trusty mechanic did all the work , i was a mechanic but not worthy enough to do this work, he was a diamond , i just cleaned up the parts and his workshop and kept an eye on him . i think all i'm trying to say is that it is not neccesarily a job for a $70-$90 an hour z specified technician, he took his time and did a fantastic job . i also the alternator rebuilt by another local auto electrician [ i live near victor harbor, s.a.] and he charged $130.. unreal hey? :thumbsup: so all up around $1100 for parts / labour and alternator . i have driven the car now for one week and its brilliant , its a white n/a 2+2 with stillen bodykit , front and rear spoilers and large twin exhausts and the best wheels , in my humble opinion the best looking around [ well without all the tricked up gear on it ] so thanks again .
  2. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Well done >>>

    On your 100k service and the savings, but...
    Was that an aftermarket pump?
  3. CnsZ

    CnsZ Nectar Lover


    I got mainly OEM for mine, made it hell expensive and I'm a fussy bugger. I got completely new hoses and everything.. cost me $3k just in parts.. Fitted it mostly by myself though, cust down on labour :thumbsup:

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