$10 Manual Boost Controller Tech Article

Discussion in 'Technical' started by zed4life (zedcare.com), Feb 21, 2005.

  1. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Just the bare bones ATM, but if you've followed the last article (Safety Boost Indicator). The parts required are almost identical.

    Will work for factory wastegate setups or those with boost jets.

    WARNING 1: WILL NOT WORK WITH aftermarket boost controllers and could DAMAGE YOUR ENGINE by increasing the boost too high. So if you have an aftermarket boost controller setup DO NOT DO THIS MOD unless you know what you're doing!!!

    WARNING 2: If you are currently stuck in safety boost, your stock ECU has done this for a reason. Fix the cause FIRST before you set up a mod like this because it removes the ECU's control over the stock boost levels and places that responsibility in your hands.

    There, that's sufficient warnings...

    So why would you want to do this? If you are 100% convinced you have no detonation or ECU diagnostic error codes but would just like to control when you are in safety or normal boost control... (I actually prefer to tootle around town in "safety" boost levels sometimes). The circuit also includes a two colour LED but you could leave that out if desired...

    (2 stage Manual Boost Controller for less than $10)

    Anyway, have a look. I'll do a full article on it later in week.

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