02 sensor stuck

Discussion in 'Technical' started by zac_du_preez, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. zac_du_preez

    zac_du_preez A.K.A. PreeZ

    I have done the passengers side pretty easy but while doing the drivers I threaded the 02 sensor, then snapped the housing. All that is left in is the bolt. I have been trying for the last hour to get a homemade spanner from underneath with no luck, should I just attempt to take the whole housing out - bigger socket? What size is the bigger socket?

    Attempt turning the car on and warming and trying again, keeping in mine its threaded so I dont know if that will help.

    Its stuck in there pretty good, im on my second wrench.

    Oh and i have been preiodically spraying it with inox (as well as my arm) every 10mins or so.
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    yeah you should remove the larger piece that the o2 sits in....

    makes it a tiny bit easier......if youve threaded it it sounds like you might need to replace that piece anyway....good luck!!!
  3. zac_du_preez

    zac_du_preez A.K.A. PreeZ

    Yeh i just realised all i did was take the top off. I grabbed a 22mm and tried, no luck, i broke a ball joint though, twisted it. I tried heating and still no luck, I didnt heat to opperating temp tho... I am not sure If I should - its really stuck there, what an afternoon I've had.
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    tt or na?......

    youll get there mate,nothings impossible.....
  5. DrewZ

    DrewZ member

    If you can't get the o2

    out of the adapter/housing, then try taking out the adapter with the o2 still inside, then get it out later. Its a 1-1/4 " socket. Go from above will be easier than from underneath.

    Goodluck :cool:

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