P Plater - TT

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Dylan, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. _Robbo_

    _Robbo_ Active Member

    Why does this come up so often? Why do kids like you decided, oh I'm a better driver than everyother p plater on the road. WE are on our p's for a reason we are still learning. Dean and Jamie both have tt engines, both have everything for the conversion but BOTH are waiting like they should. Trust me when i say this, its for your own good, an N/A has plenty of power to get you into trouble, especially in the wet. You wanna crash, destroy others lives in a car that is way to powerful for some one who has had their license for less than 5 years? Don't come on here and think you top shit by being a p plater with a tt, you wont gain anyone's respect.
    you also asked "Thoughts on how actually stupid this is!"
    as i said earlier its VERY stupid!
  2. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Robbo, i also have a TT engine in my garage & i waited 4yrs to get off my P's & today officially I'm on my full licence :) so now i can go TT if i choose to.

    By the way, Dean is going TT way before he gets on his full licence lol he should have it ready by the nationals next year

  3. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    Clearly you have forgotten you were a P Plater once, how did i ever once act like i'm top shit?

    You sit on this thread trashing it for things you think you know?

    How can you sit there and judge how i drive? i've lost a close friend due to a hoon to think i would risk someone else's / my life is an outrage.......
  4. _Robbo_

    _Robbo_ Active Member

    -_- still am on my p's
    Do what you want im not going to stop you but take into account what your getting into
  5. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    Rofl, i just realised you're a P Plater too,

    The main question in the thread was to ask do police officers receive engine information e.g. aspiration type when they run my plates, and was asking if i should notify Vicroads of an engine change immediately.
  6. _Robbo_

    _Robbo_ Active Member

    either way youll get dicked when pulled over, especially by the highway patrol boys
  7. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    simply using for weekend car, as my daily is a shitty 4 cyl Integra to get to and from work.
  8. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    I don't think they do, plenty of people I know have been pulled over in restricted cars without a drama.

    Not to mention they always ask if it's a turbo...
  9. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Dylan if you want to go down that path, its completely upto you. I too have lost way too close friends due to bas choices on the streets. If you honestly do understand the consequences it has on the people that loose a friend or family member, then you should understand why this is a touchy topic.

    There is no rush to do a TT conversion. Zeds are different to most cars. Very different to handle & drive. Learn to drive it properly & start getting parts & saving for your TT conversion & when you eventually do get off your P's you will be set for a monster zed.

    That is just my free advice...feel free to take it as you wish.

  10. 93_ZX95

    93_ZX95 Redzx

    Im not saying this is going to happen, and its unlikely, but, is it really worth putting it in now with less driving experience and more likely to have a higher testosterone levels(believe me it makes a difference) and have a higher chance of risking your life (even more than normal driving) OR Just stay on your NA take a lower risk, dont bite off more than you can chew an just wait, and its perfectly legal and you cant get ****ed over in the event of insurance issues because insurance companies know everythingggg, you will be making your payments every month and as soon as you crash theyll drop you, hard. and you gotta pay all that money + youve still been paying for insurance on a Z so your basically putting yourself on track for an assf****ng if you slip up even once...
  11. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    Appriciate the advice all,
  12. discus177

    discus177 New Member

    Listen mate, you're young, stupid and immature despite how high in the castle you think you are. With age I cannot believe the stupid things I've done whilst being a p plater. Wait like every other level headed individual has done. And i've always been the most dosile of my mates, past and present.

    Wait, and you'll be here to appreciate...
  13. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Doesn't matter whether TT or NA, you will probably crash it.

    I put mine through a fence sideway (NA), my best mate put his (TT) across a roundabout, another mate put his NA under a guardrail up in the mountains. All were out first sports cars, we were all on our P's.
  14. Dylan

    Dylan New Member

    haha, oath to that, without a doubt i'm more or less to much of a girl to do stupid shit as is.

    Will get admin to close this thread as everything has been covered

    Thanks again boys.
  15. Anti

    Anti 14.7 x 14.7 = 44.1

    This. I don't think it'll have much to do with it. The only concern here really is that you're going to be breaking the law. If that's a big deal to you, don't do it. The connotation of it being moronic because it's illegal is flawed if you ask me; if you've got a need for speed and a lack of ability to handle it, you're going to crash. Legality doesn't provide safety.
  16. salvx1992

    salvx1992 Member

    100% agree with that above comment, having a tassie license also helps as i have no restrictions on power for me. if every1 can read the speed limit sighs youll be fine.
  17. Hermit

    Hermit Member

    Legality doesn't provide safety, but it does allow for insurance.

    Putting aside the safety of yourself and others for a moment, if you crash and damage something Valuable, you're screwed.

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