A $50000.00 1989 z - comments

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Altered State, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    and a lambo...:cool:
  2. Altered State

    Altered State Z Tragic

    I like z's but 50k can buy a lot of car - other cars..... other peoples obsessions are rarley understood or meet in kind
  3. YellaZed

    YellaZed Member

    If anone has $50K to spend

    I'd let 'em have the PentRoof!
  4. ugame

    ugame user #1

    cool! Someone passing on thier garage bills from 5 years ago. Nice.

    Could build a 600+ HP Z32 MUCH cheaper these days.

    Even if it has been for sale "forever" prices should drop and change with the times reguardless of what was spent.

    Given car sales is "pay once, pay no more until the car sells" clearly this is a "look at me" For Sale item.

    Which is kind of sad.
  5. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    that's crap, I don't blame him at all for listing at this price. He obviously doesn't want to sell unless the right person comes along. Is 50k too much? Yes. Can u build a 600hp zed for 50k? NO!
  6. Disco_Stu

    Disco_Stu likes to boog-a-loo

    I agree to a point, but at the end of the day and Ive found the import owners to be the hardest to convince that their 20-25 year old cars are in reality worth sfa. BUT in saying that I know of a bloke who had a blown VE GTS that had it listed for 99k from the day he bought it.......never sold and was put back to std and sold for significantly less.

    Yeah its got some good gear in it but look at it realistically, its a car worth about 6k with $x of gear in it. $50k and looking for the right goose to buy it in the type of market it is in (import/modifyed) I can see him holding onto it for a lot longer.
  7. rollin

    rollin First 9

    this has come up a few times before. i reckon good on him for trying to break the curse of the low priced zeds.

    if i was selling my car for example id want 20k. nothing less. thats what i think its worth. and mine doesnt have anything like 600hp.
  8. Disco_Stu

    Disco_Stu likes to boog-a-loo

    Im the same niall, but I know if I had to get rid of mine it wouldnt be for much more than 16k. Thats the market unfortunatly and I dare say with emissions testing etc etc being cracked down on in WA/SA/VIC/NSW plus other useless draconian BS laws it will only get harder and harder for the used car market especially for performance/modifyed vehicles.

    Plus the fact these days there seems to be a more wealth in the world, the amount of younger gen I see with brand new cars or relatively new cars really surprises me....
  9. ugame

    ugame user #1

    if it had 600+hp AND looked mint, fair enough

    But it looks shit (in the pics)

    MANY cars come on the rader for $50K
  10. BIGRED

    BIGRED 90 z32 TT geko

    i bet my left nut with $25k ill build a 600hp z32.with no dramas
  11. rollin

    rollin First 9

    if u build it urself maybe. paying retail will be over 25k. youd spend 3k on the fuel system alone.

    and then that gices you a 600hp motor ands nothing else, this car has a rare 6 speed and all other supporting mods.

    point is, adding up a few prices is not the same as building it , installing it and having it work in the car
  12. ugame

    ugame user #1

    and the fact is you DONT pass on your garage bills. You accept that in the chase of a nice big (probably undrivable) HP number, you make a LOSS at time of sale.
  13. rollin

    rollin First 9

    u dont have to tell me. ive got customers who over captitalise all the time. i did a 12k rebuild on a car that is worth 4k a few years ago. ive even got a customer who spent 150k restoring an austin A30 that is probaby now worth 20.

    i dont think that this particular car is worth 50k and i dont think the way vincent has structured the add is any good either. most likely wont be selling it anytime soon

    but i think that zedders have a bad attitude that they think no zed is worth more than 15k.

    if i was in the market for a mint zx id be happy to pay 20 or 25k for the right car. i think if vince was asking 30 or 35 it would be quite reasonable considering the rarity of some of the installed parts.

    theres a big difference between passing on your upgrade bills and asking a high price for a car
  14. ugame

    ugame user #1

    agreed with everything above.

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