New colour scheme

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Cam, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. GarlicSteaks

    GarlicSteaks Pulsating Member

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    The internet smiley is lame dude, and surely you would want something more 'memorable' than the shitty police checkers...

    Sorry dude, just my opinion...

    Get something classy going on it...
  2. Hermit

    Hermit Member

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    I like the idea. Who cares what other drifters might think, imagine the satisfaction when the "boat anchor" painted like a cop car beats their asses :zlove:

    go for it, only thing I would say is do it properly or it could turn out very bad...
  3. ztoy

    ztoy Autospark Evolution

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    Im sure you are were referring to the "operation drag right" that Victorian police have been running. They ran upgraded highway patrol cars down the strip for people to come out and beat. This program is all fine and dandy but there are a few things that will stop you doing it for drifting here in QLD.

    Firstly the drivers in this program are Police officers representing the Police force.

    Second they are doing it in the same type of cars that they use as their official cars. EG Falcons and Commodores, Monaros.

    Third, and the big one. QLD Government have decided that Drifting is not a sport and that the skills that are required and gained through doing it, are not required to driving a car in a safe day to day manner. This is why the drift school was shut down and when we go to skidpan days at MT Cotton (GOV funded) we are learning to control and correct oversteer, not Drift.

    So unless you are a Police officer with a spare Commodore and have the maqic to convince the Police and Qld Gov that having a drift car will be good for their image............It aint gonna happen.
    ed300zx likes this.
  4. ztoy

    ztoy Autospark Evolution

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    He should.

    The drifting/tuning world has a huge misconception that zeds cannot drift as they are heavy "boat anchors" and have no place on the track. We all fight this way of thinking. I believe that he can drift well and provided he plays his cards right he may change the way some people view our cars. But the last thing you want to do when trying to get into a sport respectfully is to turn your car into a novelty, like a cop car. It will not be taken seriously.
  5. Cam

    Cam ****

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    With that in mind, maybe I should put it off just for a little while. Get some credibility and a high profile first, then play games. :eek:
    To dodge legal issues, I'll do a mock up cop car look that says nothing about police in it, and maybe use black squares instead of blue in a race chequered flag looking pattern. :D

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