High idle with 3 people in car

Discussion in 'Technical' started by airstyle, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. airstyle

    airstyle Z Anarchist

    Here's a good one for ya guys,

    A few times when I've had 2 passengers in the zed, in neutral the idle would sit at like 1.5k. I know what people are going to say, the IACV mechanism is probably sticky. It probably is. But when there's only 1 passenger in the car, it idles exactly the same as it should. The moment you put a 3rd person, the weight somehow affects the idle? WTF?

    It's clearly telling me I need a 2 Seater.

    Anyone got any ideas? I'm stumped.
  2. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    So if the 3rd person gets in and out quickly, the idle goes up and down? What if they're half in and half out? Does it stay in the middle? What if 4 people get in? Does it make chocolate?

  3. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member

    Its not an inanimate object

    its telling you to get a two seater... maybe your zed is a transformer, be wary though, those deceptorcons are never far away... :D
  4. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Screwed Transmission

    and engine mounts do strange things. so dose acid:D
  5. ZXTCY

    ZXTCY Banned

    tis xmas,sounds like hash cookies were on the menu ;)

  6. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    I've been smoking

    alpine audio, its the shit you old hippy. :D
  7. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    Lower the idle so when your mates get in it sits right, or just get 1 $2 prostitutes next time. :rofl:
  8. airstyle

    airstyle Z Anarchist

    Ahahahaha unfortunately GANJA COOKIES weren't on the menu.

    But I think Beaver is probably the closest, maybe it's introducing an air leak as the engine slightly shifts with the weight in the car!
    I haven't tried getting people to hop in and out while the engine is on yet, will do :biggrin:
  9. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    stop karting fat chicks up hills man !!
  10. blackheartedprofit

    blackheartedprofit New Member

    personally i think it's the opium laced hash :D

    ZXDEVIL Active Member

  12. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Is the ECU cover loose/missing in

    the passenger footwell? Could be pinching / moving the wiring loom somehow?

    Try replicating the problem with someone sitting in the passenger seat but not stepping on the ECU cover.

    Only other thing I can think of, is the cat overheat warning light can sometimes be triggered by a knee leaning against the handbrake but cannot see how this could be linked to a high idle.:confused:
  13. airstyle

    airstyle Z Anarchist

    Cover is there, but that's a possibility. Aus spec so no cat overheat warning. The FPCU is directly left of the back seats, that could very well be linked to the high idle.

    It doesn't happen every time, so it's not that easy to replicate lol.

    Happy new years everyone, don't get too smashed!

  14. 300ZXC


    I certainly love smoking out of my chin..?

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