3rd Brake Light Removal

Discussion in 'Technical' started by davewatson, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. davewatson

    davewatson Member

    I have searched, with little luck, and I know its probably going to be obvious, but I want to be sure as I have heard of people cracking theirs...

    I actually only need it off to replace the bulbs as there are a couple gone in it, and it is looking a little tacky...

    Pictures would be a help please

  2. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf croutons

    hey, you wont need to remove the panel to change the lights, if you remove the inside hatch panels youll be able to reach the lights from inside the hatch
    davewatson likes this.
  3. Felix

    Felix Custom User

    im interested in removing the whoole infill too, is it just held on by clips and 2 bolts on either end? i have parts of the panel lifting up that needs to be fixed up..
  4. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf croutons

    no its actually 4 bolts and a heap of clips, the 2 other bolts are behind the brake lamp itself and have to be accessed by removing the interior hatch panels
  5. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    the issue is that the UV degrades these dramatically and then they become brittle. You can almost tell which ones will break. The redder they are the more brittle.

    New they are Black, as they age they go red. IMO if its red try anything possible not to remove it. Cause 90% likely you will be buying a new one.

    the clips are square and a very tight fit in the holes in the hatch. When this panel is added afterward when you remove the stock fin. There is only one square hole cut into the hatch. If you are anal about your car like I am you then carefully drilled and filed the extra 3 holes so it fitted and clipped into place.

    But most people are slack arses and just removed the clips where there where no holes. Thats why they bulge and dont fit right.

    Once those clips are in. They are near impossible to push out.
    Felix likes this.
  6. davewatson

    davewatson Member

    With this said, I took extreme care, and got mine out, cleaned, attempted 2 fist the rattle (with little luck) and replaced mine without any cracking etc...

    Mine had all the clips in as it was standard on mine... just took a little bit of patience to work them all out without breaking them... and mine is extremely red due to it being on the car for the last 15 years...
  7. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    well done, Dave +1 ..........the rest of us 0

    I busted one before trying to get the bugger out, hardly touched it

    $240 mistake.

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