Engine diagnostic using a vacuum gauge

Discussion in 'Technical' started by jet power, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. jet power

    jet power New Member

    Not sure if this is covered elsewhere (couldn't find it in the Tech Section) ....

    Autospeed's latest issue includes a useful article on how to diagnose your engine's health using a vacuum gauge. I found it interesting so thought I'd share the link:


    Mods - it might be a candidate for the Tech Section?
    MoulaZX and Jinxed like this.
  2. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    Just finished reading that, seems pretty damn sweet. Only thing im wondering is how effective / accurate would it be with a VG30DETT?

    If they only cost a few bucks, don't see the harm is getting one and trying it out though.

  3. maTTz

    maTTz 500 Club

    Agree, document your findings (where did you connect, what readings did you see)

    would also be good to try it out before you pull the engine, to check the diagnosis (applicable only for someone that is about to pull the engine anyways)

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