Cat temperature sensor

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mitch, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    Does anyone know where the Cat temp sensor wires enter the cabin on a 2 seater?

    I need to trace the wires back as far as i can. Save pulling both seats out and looking for the two wires under the carpet, I'm hoping someone has a lead...
  2. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    I thought it was under the armrest thing :confused:
    Mitch likes this.
  3. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    Sort of correct Chrispy. :) The box is under the armrest.

    But they enter under the drivers seat floor to the side near the transmisssion tunnel
    Mitch likes this.
  4. a2zed

    a2zed Guest

    The wires actually enter the cabin under the seats. The control unit is under the console cover.
  5. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    get rid of the bastard !! :D:D its useless anyways
  6. lurker_nz

    lurker_nz New Member

    Agreed, all they do is turn on a light to say ... hey all that extra fuel being dumped into your exhaust is burning out your cats
  7. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    I need to trace the wires back before I cut them. I require the EGT+heat shielded wire remain intact as much as possible. Any idea where the heat shielding stops? As soon as it goes into the cabin?

    Cheers for the advice too.
  8. Madcow

    Madcow Active Member

    from what i saw on my half cut it goes into the cabin?
  9. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    The sheilded wire continues all the way to the box under the arm rest.

    I am going to replace mine one day with the spare I have tucked away as the wire is all crapped out under the car.

    Basically if you want a full removal, you unscrew the sensors, pull back the carpet, pop the grommet inside, remove the console, unscrew the box and unplug it.

    It actually takes a while to get it out in one pce. Or you could just hack the bugger out with a pair of cutters.
  10. ZXXXII

    ZXXXII New Member

    lol mine were stuck in the old exhaust i just cut them off no trouble since
  11. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    Thanks tekky, just what I needed to know.

    Situation I find myself in is with a set of stock cats (thanks to Vader ex tektrader) which have the stock EGT bungs in them. Currently, EGT probes have been hacked, and a EPA inspection could consider the EGT's as a feedback system for pollution control. I cannot risk this, so need an install that is on the level.. As musch as I'd like to just cut 'em off and do it dodgy.:(

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