"ZED" the cruise dog

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ZXTCY, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. SIM300


    Sorry to hear Simon, & Kathy.
    R.I.P Fang
  2. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    Oh no, that's devistating Si. Very sorry for your loss. Fang was a great dog and was a role model for young Zed.

    May he now live forever. RIP Fang :(
  3. bbell

    bbell New Member

    So sorry to hear, sounds as though Fang was very lucky to have you.
  4. nightrider

    nightrider bald member

    My thoughts are with you Simon.

    ZXDEVIL Active Member

    Thats absolutely terrible news.. we lost our shepherd as well and it leaves a hole that seemingly cant be filled, celebrate that he lived a long happy life and cherish your memories with him... RIP Fang:(
  6. DJ_666

    DJ_666 Member

    ouch that's harsh, dogs are by far man's best friend and truly irreplacable, it seems this is a bad time for shepherds, about two months ago our 12 year old german shepherd X border collie passed, she was such a, i hate to say it but, annoying and vocal dog but i miss her/it so much, i would give anything to be annoyed by her again. we also have a much smaller maltese and he moped around the house to no content, my condolence's to you man, it's tough

    R.I.P. Fang
  7. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    Sorry to hear Simon, sad I never came up to visit and meet him. How big is "zed" now?
  8. cherryZ

    cherryZ Truth Addict

    Sorry for your loss Simon, at least you know he had a good long life... I've had the pleasure of owning a couple of shepherds in the past, they're wonderful animals. We only recently lost our own puppy Peb, it hurts all the more when they're taken too soon. :(

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