stubborn oil filter

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by mafi-zed, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    for the life of me i cannot get this f'n thing off, i undid the oil cap up top and it still wont budge, i just heard my oil filter remover thing snap in vein.. not to mention the emissions shit for the exhaust is in the way

    any ideas? i was thinking maybe grab a hammer n a screw driver but theres not much room for me to get power onto it to drive it through
  2. luis

    luis New Member

    Go to your local auto parts shop and get yourself one of these, best tool for the job.

  3. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    unfortunately the only car i have access to right now is currently sitting on stands draining atm..
  4. WhiteNight

    WhiteNight Littering and...

    Screwdriver straight through it man

    Hammer it in, hammer it around.
  5. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    I have a 3 foot screwdriver. Bash it through the side of the filter about 10mm from the bottom. It will spin off easy after that.

    Its supposed to be hand tight when you put it on. God knows why people think you need to strong arm it doing it up.
  6. azzurro

    azzurro Boostin Outlaw



    this here bad boy is the First thing i got for my zed.. every noob should get this before even putting in petrol for the first time. :biggrin: But yeah Trav.. get that big screwdriver of yours and stick it in there :p
  7. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    if you dont want to hammer it through, you can always drill a guide hole

    to put your screwdriver in,youve got a bit more control that way as well
    or just smash it through, ive done both and both work equally well....

  8. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    yeah ended up doin that, had to do 6 punctures, fkn fore arm is caning
    i'd like to punch whoever put it on before me, bastard.
  9. ugame

    ugame user #1

    dont worry bro.

    I had the same thing.

    Filter had only been on 1 week, but needed to change for a thicker oil

    ONLY way to get the Filter off (which was BRAND NEW btw) was to drive a stake through its black heart and twist

    (by stake i mean screwdriver of course)
  10. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    Shouldnt have had to do more than one hole. The idea is to go all the way through.
  11. kbro3

    kbro3 Baby oil technician.

    Another thing i've found works, is if there's no real room to punch the filter, wedge the screwdriver between the filter and something solid, and push on it.
    Have the edge of the screwdriver on the edge of the filter, and it should break the seal (it will most likely also puncture the filter, so be ready for oil to come spilling out).

    Here's a rough diagram in MsPaint:


  12. directzx

    directzx New Member

    i dont know about that way, wouldnt that put to much pressure on the part where the oil filter screws onto ?

    i saw a car (little bunky daily thing) drive over a gutter once, once wheel on the gutter and one on the road...

    heard a scrape and the oil filter shot off to the side, landed in the gutter and the idiot drove off like nothing happened. lol
  13. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    better question... who put it on so tight!! dam
  14. ugame

    ugame user #1

    well Tom did mine and he knows what he's doing.
    Sometimes I think you'll find its partly the vacuum and the seal created there after.
  15. heavytrevy

    heavytrevy "Hammer time "

  16. Polish

    Polish New Member

    Bloody hell...

    Im surprised the screwdriver didnt just tear filter up if the oil filter tool broke :eek:
  17. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    might have been one of those sling ones that clamp harder the more strength you apply. Hard to explain. Anyway, used to have to use one of them to get some filters off a machine at my old work. One was stuck on so tight i bent the bloody thing in half. Eventually got it undone though :p

    edit: this type [​IMG]
  18. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    yep one of those type,

    tekky i went through all the way both sides still needed to make 4-6 as i could only do a couple cm turns at a time due to space constraints, wasnt a very long filter
  19. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    One hand to put a new filter on and then you'll only need two hands to remove it ;) Doesn't have to be tighter, that's what the rubber seal is for :rolleyes:

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