Too Much Money/Time

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Jack300zx, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Jack300zx

    Jack300zx PROformance

  2. Scott Martine

    Scott Martine Rollin on DUB's

    i would probably kill someone for that car.
  3. Jack300zx

    Jack300zx PROformance


    thats what i though to myself when i saw it.
  4. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    thats so fkn ugly.. i'd kill whoever made it
  5. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    haha wtf? Who'd want that? The only good part imo is the wide body kit and they've made a hash of it.
  6. beaver

    beaver southern zeds


    it like it is trav, fkn abortion, kill em all.:D
  7. cjhooka

    cjhooka New Member

    2nd that lol

    Edit: wtf is that on the center console.
  8. ugame

    ugame user #1

    dont you know anything?

    Thats the head of an Alien (from Aliens). This "transformer" probably killed it, and is keeping the head as a momento

    do i have to explain EVERYTHING?
  9. Jack300zx

    Jack300zx PROformance

    Its alien :eek:


    OMG you beat me to it.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2008
  10. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    lol. Possibly also a car fridge?
  11. jaybo

    jaybo New Member

    would be interesting to see the build pics of that one - how is the work that's gone into those doors!

    i guess it shows what can be done with imagination, time and money.
  12. matty-Z

    matty-Z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    i guess thats all that can be done with an auto NA
  13. awgazm

    awgazm Active Member

    not bad apart from that god ugly body kit... sorta reminds me of that post from yesterday with that geek and fugly chick... scary
  14. WLDTTZ


    I like some of it btu I hate some of it lol so I am undecided :p
  15. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    That is just soooo urrrglyyy!!!

    Very clean, detailed nicely but still ugly. I'm thinking the way the rear hatch corner curves still showing might give an indication as to the quality of the build. Always reduce the wow factor by 10% when anything is off the camera and not in person.
  16. SIM300


    How about a warning next time

    I was eating my dinner when I opened the link!!! :mad:
  17. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    ffs,i didnt thing veilside could get any uglier than it already is ... i was very wrong
    I was thinking,how could you make it any more horrid,and i thought "add ferrari wanna be's",then i saw this pic of it lol :eek::eek:

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2008
  18. ugame

    ugame user #1

    i think you're forgetting WA's "AWARD WINNING" Z32 has VS kit AND Ferrari Tail Lights.

    If this guy was going for a show car he's done a damn good job i reakon

    ...on the street? ....its a Transformer :D lol

    Think thats why AK's is soo good. Its streetable as well as being a show stopper.
  19. 300ZXC


    who is AK and where can I find pictures of said car? :)
  20. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    no i wasnt actually lol :rolleyes: autosalon is all about rice ,hence the awards (no offence intended towards ak,but he would probably agree ;))
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2008

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