Front End Vibration

Discussion in 'Technical' started by owen, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. owen

    owen New Member

    **UPDATE** Tyres changed, vibration still there

    Ok team. i took her into the local bridgestone to get some new adrenalines fitted for a tidy 450 with front balance (in case id hit something recently). i jacked her up earlier that day and saw there was terrible tyre wear on the front left tyre, on the inner side. now im wondering is that the problem itself or is that just a symptom of the real problem e.g. wheel bearing. what normally causes bad shoulder wear?

    anyway, tyres replaced and problem is still there. it seems less noisy but now it seems definitely as though the noise/vibration gets worse when turning to the left, and reduces in noise/vibration when turning to the right.

    so me thinks wheel bearing? im thinking front right because when turning right the force would be greater on the left wheel, yes?

    Im yet to try BADZX's bearing test.


  2. j0no

    j0no Accepting Donations.

    go with badzx

    Yea if your front left tyre is worn on the inside, that usually indicates the problem is at that wheel, unless im mistaken? jack up the wheel and give it a decent pull push in all directions. if it moves up and down, could mean the shaft inside the bearing is worn, if it moves back and forth, could mean just the bearings need replacing. while its up you might as well pull the wheel off, and have a decent look around at the rubber joints, see if anythings missing or broken :) Not much help i know, but at least somewhere to start?
  3. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Sounds like my wheel bearing when it went, as in the sound going away when you take the weight off it. You want to get onto this asap. It'll only get worse, the test j0no mentioned above is a good way to tell. You can also try turning the wheel when its on blocks, it should be noisy but not always if it's only just started going bad.

    By memory the Z32 wheel bearings come as a complete assembly with the hub, piece of piss to change out. I know this because I was sent the wrong one when I was looking for Z31 parts which is always a nightmare.

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