Electric Seat installation problem

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Matex, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. Matex

    Matex New Member

    Hi all,

    I just replaced my old broken non-electric drivers seat with a electric driving seat and was wondering where the best place to hook the power into is. The car is a Aussie built NA if that helps.

  2. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    anywhere you can get a power supply really...check under the steering colum, or behind the stereo...

    depends what you want it to be hookt to aswell use a testlight...either hook it up to constant power, or just when the ign is on...
  3. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    I did this last week...

    Hooked into the cigarette lighter circuit and ran a wire around. Did this 'cos I didn't want the seats to operate without power to the car. Seems to work well. PM me if you want more details.
  4. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Stock they work without power to the car. Actually, mine do, I assume it's stock.
  5. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Yep I know, but I wanted to make sure that it wouldn't operate without the keys in the car.
  6. Matex

    Matex New Member

    Tried hooking it into the cigarette lighter circuit but every time i go to hook the active up it blows the circuit. This is the 20A fuse that covers the cigarette lighter so now I'm wondering whether this seat i have has a blown motor or theres a short somewhere in it. Any ways or determining whether this is happening or not. Also i noticed that there are 3 plugs that feed the chair. Is it just the 1st plug that hangs freely that is powering the seats or the 2 other plugs that are held in place by a bracket connected to the seat.

    When i had a closer look i noticed that one of them has some nice thick active and neutral looking cables coming from one of the plugs that is on the bracket. Should i be hooking into that one and what about the 2 other plugs??

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. aK

    aK Banned

    Doesn't the jap specs come with a power cable underneath the passenger seat? Mine has a cable comming up..:cool:
  8. Matex

    Matex New Member

    mines an aus spec so its got the slit in the carpet but not cable coming up.
  9. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Umm I didn't have any kind of trouble. I spliced the wire into the cigarette circuit, then ran the cable under the dash, along the door sill, then under the carpet to where the j-specs have their plug. I then joined a second in-line fuse to the positive wire and put female spade connectors on both the ends. I then covered the connectors with electrical tape just in case and slid them onto 2 of the prongs of the electric seat, and voila a working electric seat install. Are you sure you are connecting to the correct to pins on the seat as there are 3 pins on the plug?
  10. Matex

    Matex New Member

    well now that I've done it correctly i can move the seat up and down and the back of it back and forward but the rails still remain unmoving. Do i need to hook power into the other plug as well or should it all work now ???
  11. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    It should all work now. You might have a faulty seat motor, or maybe the seat rails are jammed with crud...

    What was the original issue?
  12. Matex

    Matex New Member

    i was hooked into the wrong cables so it didn't work. Sussed that out, i'll just see if i can clean off the crap, hopefully thats all thats wrong with it
  13. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Cool - good luck... :zlove:
  14. Matex

    Matex New Member

    i think a motor may be screwed. i can control the back and the forward up and down but not the rails or the back up and down.

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