exhaust smoke

Discussion in 'Technical' started by chloerazza, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. chloerazza

    chloerazza Member

    Ok, i know there has been a thread about this before, but that didnt really answer my question. Just picked up a TT z last week, runs fine, but smokes when idling after ive been driving it, or if i leave it to idle for a while. Doesnt smoke on startup or when driving it around. This is white smoke. Please tell me its not the turbos! Thanks guys:)
  2. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Could be worse, could be coolant, which could mean blown head gasket. Smell it, does it have a "sweet" smell? If yes coolant, if no could be an oil leak, depends on your definition of white.
  3. chloerazza

    chloerazza Member

    ok, definately not a sweet smell, and put nice new coolant in it yesterday.:) Smells kind of oily, but not sure where an oil leak could be.
  4. Thinker

    Thinker Bill


    like yourself i also am new here. and having the same problem.

    search and look for PCV valve here in forum or look in tech.

    changing my PCV valves today so i'll let you know but everyone here tells me the same thing. (PCV Valves)

    this is what they are and cost http://www.cazracing.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=190

    and this is where they are http://www.aus300zx.com/forum/showthread.php?p=610203&highlight=PCV#post610203

    sorry if i made error but sure your having same problem as i, i did hard part first turbos now going to do the pcv lol start with the easy stuff first.

  5. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Is it

    smoking from both exhausts or just one side?



    iv got a similar problem to that it dosent happen much but when it happens its usialy when the cars still not at the propper runnng temp but when it smokes it loks like im doing a small burnout.

    Would these pvc bits fix my problem

    also i put motul 20 50 300v full synthetic the 1 with th crono stuff in it that not only is the best oil but it helped rid the smoking issue well mostly

    if it is smoking from 1 side it will b ur turbo 4 sure

    cheers mike
  7. SIM300


    These are VERY hard things to diagnose over the net...

    Yes, it could be turbos. Could be a few things...

    Take it to someone experienced to check it out for you.
  8. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator


    professional diagnosis for the win...
  9. chloerazza

    chloerazza Member

    just one side im pretty sure, cant see when im inside properly, and it only does it sometimes, not all the time:rolleyes:

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