NA Plenum Water Hose Bypass

Discussion in 'Technical' started by danozgriff, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. danozgriff

    danozgriff New Member

    Hi Guys,

    Have a leak in on of the coolant hoses under the plenum. For now, I like to bypass the water hoses under the plenum without having to pull the plenum

    The only details I can find is the following link, but the details are quite sketchy

    Can anyone provide some clear steps as to bypassing these under-plenum hoses on an NA

  2. danozgriff

    danozgriff New Member

    Hoses to be linked?

    Managed to find a picture of the under plenum hoses


    My Leak is coming from the hose in the blue circle. I have tried patching it up, but it is still leaking

    As I understand it, all I have to do is link the pipes that would connect to the two hoses in the red circles directly together, to bypass the plenum on the drivers side? Also, will I have to bypass the hoses on the passengers side of the plenum, or can I leave this as is for now?
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2007
  3. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

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