Starter motor problem?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mmmdreg, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. mmmdreg

    mmmdreg Member

    When I try and start my car, rather than the normal sound before the engine fires up, there's this other noise.. From memory it was like a lower, almost beating type noise. Anyhow the electrics and everything else works, and the engine worked fine before. Could someone please point me in the right direction regarding what the problem is and how it can be fixed?

    Cheers =)
  2. theGrudge

    theGrudge New Member

    things to check

    I'm not sure about the low beating noise, but here's some ideas if you haven't already tried them...

    from recent experience, I went from car starting fine one day, then two days later a mechanical ratcheting sound when trying ignition, with the engine not turning over. It turned out to be my battery died, quite suddenly, but it was old. So check that if you have the means.

    Otherwise do a search and you'll see members suggesting to check out your starter motor is properly mounted, they can come loose if the bolts vibrate loose/out, and not properly engage. Some great member pics out there on this!

    If that looks cool, try a sharp rapping of the starter motor with a hammer a few times before turning it over. This can loosen the solenoids if they have become stuck.

    I think starter motor failure (in general) is something that happens over time, so you can tell the signs of the starter whining before the engine fires becoming more frequent/prolonged. I'm a bit of a newb at this stuff, so correct me boys if I'm dribbling here...

    Good luck.
  3. mmmdreg

    mmmdreg Member

    Thanks for the quick reply. Though if your battery was dead, shouldn't there be no noise at all? But yeah I've checked the battery so it isn't that.. We'll see what I can sort out!

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