is this bling?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by blackheartedprofit, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. blackheartedprofit

    blackheartedprofit New Member

    not sure really as you can't really see it when installed


  2. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    mmm nice coilovers. you'll be able to see the tops in the engine bay.

    but whats all that stuck in the front bar in the pic of the black zed!?
  3. blackheartedprofit

    blackheartedprofit New Member

    grasshoppers, there are still a few around, picked them up after a couple of test drives to make sure i put everything back together properly :D
  4. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    Jesus what happened to your car! (bugs) :eek:

    As for bling, not really. I always thought of bling as eye candy that dosen't really do much. :confused:
  5. buzz1986

    buzz1986 Ezekiel 25.17

    isnt ur car ment to be red?? or did i miss something?
  6. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    ^ no he painted it matte black.

    for some reason .. :|
  7. aK

    aK Banned


    BHP yous one funny individual haaha

    Get a proper paint job that brings out the zeds sxcy curves. And you call that a "few" grass hopppers? man that looks like your zed when out eating them for lunch haha

    And oi Teins rule!! good choice ;)

  8. Mikkazx

    Mikkazx Roket Z

    faaark. feel sorry for all them grasshoppers. died terrible, terrible deaths!!
  9. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    yep, BHP .. it = bling and blatant exhibitionism .. lol..!!

    ... good stuff ...!!!! .. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  10. DrongoMan

    DrongoMan Sir


    DUDE thats so blinging, people don't even realise why it is so bling!! Priceless!

  11. overboostin007

    overboostin007 Slip and Slide

    coil overs

    Nice bro
  12. updtd garage! chek it out

    HAHA.... sorry to hear bout the bugs but they give off serious bling - they were the first things i noticed :D :D :D :D
  13. MikeH

    MikeH smeg

    I think it needs to be shiny to be bling!

    maybe you could polish your grasshoppers :D
  14. VIPER_D1


    Bug catcher

    Thats what u call a BUGCATCHER, do they still sell those bug catcher kids toys? lol

    I've had those tein coilovers on my Zed and did it handle holy shit AWESOME.

    Fell sorry for your spinal cord though its takes a pounding.
  15. blackheartedprofit

    blackheartedprofit New Member

    they are tein super street coilovers, 6kg front and 4kg rear spring rating, they are supposed to offer a much softer ride than the type flex coilovers, and with the damper control if you want to hit the track occasionally you can adjust that for a harder ride, that's the theory anyway, also i got the rubber mounts instead of the pillowball mounts, again for the softer ride
  16. roi

    roi wallet inspector

    Honestly, no one gives two shakes of shite about what coil overs are SUPPOSED to do.
    It's all about going up driveways crooked, watching one wheel come off the ground.
    that's when i know you have coil overs!

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist




  18. reaper

    reaper New Member


    Is this bling? In short - no. Unless you chrome them and run 12inch wheels so they can be seen shining under your guards.

    But they'll still be a great addition :)
  19. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    yes it is

    when did you put your 12inch wheels on reaper lol ,looks like bling to me,cant wait to get mine from the g/b :D :D :D :D :D :D , im noticing the guys who say it isnt,dont have them lol lol lol lol:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2007
  20. SIM300


    Agree with reaper... not bling.

    But damn nice. The turn BLING comes from being shiny, so to be bling it would have to be chromed or polished :D

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