Discussion in 'Technical' started by wassaw7, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiit

    Hey man I?m really sorry to hear that. If there is one thing this world can do without is pricks who can?t keep their hands to themselves. Its one thing if you?re poor and can?t afford things ? there?s lots of people around like that and I truly feel sorry for what they have to go through. But that sort of reasoning should not be used for stealing someone else?s pride and joy.
    I sure hope whoever did this will get their payback. Its scary though eh? I mean geeeeeeeze I was trying to think how I would react if I turned up outside and my car was gone?.its just like loosing someone you love. I?d literary go all psycho.
    But you know what I think, the sort of faggots who do these sort of things are the same as those tossers who turn up to car meets and run their keys along others cars cause they are just jealous they can?t have something as nice.
    Bloody hell man, what I always say is BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. If you see some with a better car (which you are guaranteed to do so one day) be happy for the guy/girl. Cause I?m sure they would?ve worked hard to earn that. As for those of you out there who do **** all and steal other people?s shit to make yourselves feel rich ? I hope you burn in hell.
    Man whoever did is?.if you?re reading this thread, I hope you realise what you?re putting this poor fella through?one day its gonna come back and bite you?one day you?re gonna loose something you love soo much. And only when that happens will you realise what sort of a ****** up thing you did.

    Anyways, guys I?m sorry for babbling on for long on this topic, but people who steal, shits the crap out of me. Its cause of people like that others can?t enjoy their life. Its cause of people like that you have to pay such high premiums on insurance. Its cause of people like that you got so many pigs on the road. **** sakes its cause of people like that this whole world is screwed. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark. Man I hope you find that bitch who did this can skin him alive for it.

  2. wassaw7

    wassaw7 New Member


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