attempted theft - successfull immobilisation

Discussion in 'Technical' started by henpecked, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. henpecked

    henpecked very small member

    left car in open public park at marion shopping centre [ SA] nose into the main road/drive 20 metres from [ and in plain sight of] bunnings entrance at 9.35 am this morning. left it with no other cars within 40 feet and lots of traffic going past 2 metres away.

    came back 30 minutes later:eek:

    1] Drivers handle totally bent and destoyed and door panel dinted
    2] drivers window 1/2 down
    3] lock barrel [ and attached steering lock bar] busted from column and lying on floor with "teeth" marks all over it
    4] under steering wheel trim panel and side airduct busted and on floor.

    car still there because I had a Brant immobiliser fitted

    have a $400 excess with shannons - had it towed to some place in adelaide city and will find out how long to repair tomorrow [ proably 1-2 weeks]

    would not give a bugger, but was using the car to visit my mother in 3 x daily in hospital, its a $20 round trip taxi fare from parkholme shopping center to daws park repatriation hospital [ 1.5 miles each way !] - have to wait a few days before telling her, she was probably going to be discharged in 2 days- no chance to have it fixed by then:( :mad:


    Get a GOOD immobiliser.
  2. rollin

    rollin First 9

    this is happening far too often

    solid effort for beating the theives
  3. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Great news ... considering PolishStorm's

    terrible story.

    Can't emphasise enough the need for some form of immobilisation. I'm not making any ZID's at the moment but can provide the instructions free on my website for DIY to known forum members.

    PM me for URL. It won't be posted up here for obvious reasons.
  4. Matex

    Matex New Member

    Assholes. At least the zed wasn't stolen. Take solace in that.
  5. rollin

    rollin First 9

    i am one of the few people with no immobilisation, i assumed these
    cars came with some sort of anti theft system,

    im gonna sort something out soon
  6. Mr G

    Mr G Active Member

    Dude, you gotta get an alarm NOW!

    Make it your top priority - I have a Mongoose M80S alarm and it is one of, if not the best investment I've made for the Z. Actually, it's probably equal best along with Geo's Targa Top bags. :D
  7. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Nope... your zed can be broken into and

    ignition barrel disarmed and hotwired in seconds... one of the easiest cars for thieves to steal...

    Even without an immobiliser, there are a few simple techniques you can do to completely 'immobilise' your zed ... study the service manual fuel and ignition wiring diagrams and you can come up with many simple, free, effective methods. (I'm happy to share some with trusted forum members by PM only) Only trouble is you have to remember to do them each time you leave your car.

    Much better to get some sort of passive arming protection that immediately is enabled once you switch off the ignition. Even one point of immobilisation is enough if it's effective enough...

    Please disregard the fact I have seven points on my zed ...:eek:

  8. henpecked

    henpecked very small member

    I purchased the Brant AA02/TP3 "Tag" immobiliser because

    1] it was fully approved by all insurers I contacted and had 3 immobiliser points.

    2] it was able to be compatible/independent with any other ADDITIONAL alarm system that I wanted to have installed [ that could be a "normal" alarm with auto lock, siren, bonnet sensor etc] this would/will give me absolute protection, [ IE belts AND braces]

    3] it was the right price - $350 fully installed ON site [ my home], after getting a $50 rebate for shannons insurance [ or also for mentioning this site]

    to be honest, I could never understand people who would spend $650 for a radiator, or $750 JUST for 100K service parts, or $2400 on rims and tyres, but wanted to "make do " with one alarm under $300, if i had a TT that i spent $2000 pa on for brake and suspension upgrades, I'd want to spendat least $1000 ONCE on the alarm and theft prevention.

    Ie, if they had been able to start this car I would have been out of pocket big time.

    best $350 i have ever spent on any car - these people were after the car - they left all the gear [ GPS etc] in the cabin - they clearly knew how to open a Z32 and were confident they could get it going very quickly- EVEN with a flashing light showing on the steering column - and when they could not get it going - left
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  9. kristochuv

    kristochuv New Member

    yeah I really need to get one.............i have full comprehensive but i still dont want the pain of loosing the Z............
  10. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    As well as a steering wheel lock

    Also consider a clutch/brake lock. Not much fun joyriding a zed when you cant push down on the clutch or brakes. And it would be a bitch to try and brake off.
  11. kr4usy

    kr4usy Active Member

    Yeah my mates been ravving on about the Brant alarm in his WRX, I already have an immobiliser on the car, but Im actually going to upgrade. Brant have for a few hundred more another additional method of stopping theifs! Its a pin code system, which even if they ambush you and got your key, they still cant start the car!! That way if they threaten you physically you throw them the keys and before they realise, you have run for safety! (PS. dont knock my idea of running away :p )
  12. Mr G

    Mr G Active Member

    I don't know how you can get full comprehensive without an alarm/immobiliser. Better check on that one mate. Either way, get an alarm!!! :eek:
  13. Zedipated

    Zedipated Member

    Were can I get a clutch/Brake lock from?

    Hey mate just like to know were I can get a clutch/brake lock from , A good quility 1.
    cheers Zedipated:zlove:
  14. Zedophile

    Zedophile Member

    Gee Geoff you are having a pretty bad run at the moment

    with your Mum and now this with your car. I thought Adelaide (City of Churchs) was a little above this sort of thing but I guess it's the same everywhere. Bloody sad really. As you know our car is a weekend cruiser (and sometimes a weeknight cruiser when i can sneak out of the house without being noticed - love driving it at night) but I still worry about it getting pinched. I watch it like a hawk but we can't stay with our cars all the time. I'll have to contact zed4life and try and take him up on his generous offer of his security device. Anyway hope you get it sorted soon. Cheers. Clive.
  15. I8URV8

    I8URV8 New Member

    I have the Synergy....

  16. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Got mine at an Autobarn store

    Paid around $100 for it from memory and they had to order it in though

    With steering wheel locks, they can be snapped in seconds (even the high priced ones). The one I saw from a 'choice' review that took the longest to get past (5 minutes of picking the lock from a pro) was the 'Club Click It' ones. I'm glad I had chosen that one before I saw the review.
  17. henpecked

    henpecked very small member

    from here

    1. Bar or wheel locks: Steering wheel bars lock up the steering wheel;

    How to get around them: All it takes is a pair of bolt cutters or a hacksaw. "They saw through the steering wheel, slide off the bar lock and hot-wire the car. It takes anywhere from 15-30 seconds,"

    also if you do have comprehensive insurance, these will not be acceptable/aproved by the insurer
  18. innocentbystander

    innocentbystander New Member

    So....thanks to this stupid bloody alarm,you dont get a cheque from Shannons.......??? :confused:

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    best immoobiliser would be a 1000000000 amp charge to

    the chassis... Upon engaging the alarm. the chassis is amped... When the bastard makes contact BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM...... HAHHAHAH


  20. I8URV8

    I8URV8 New Member

    Factory Option?

    How good would it be if it was.......................

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