where can i find a flimsy bit of metal, needs to be bent by hand/foot

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by mafi-zed, May 7, 2006.

  1. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    need it for my fog lights due to the new fmic and the complexity and lack of spots to bolt my foggies into, needs to go from the SMIC bracket locations to the top bolt of the fog lights, so it needs to be bent and possibly twisted.. i dont have a vice so it comes down to bending it with my foot/hands/plyers anything i can find..

    update, ive put some L brackets bolted to the smic bolt locations, now the metal only needs to be about 4cm.. needs to be twisted two ways just to put holes into both ends to bolt up, this is the only thing stopping my completion of the job..
  2. groonsnout

    groonsnout boost = horn

    Metal shops (scraps & samples)

    I've always used metal businesses (esp. for alloys) and done the "I'm quoting on a large job, can I get some samples" line. Works a treat. Got given a 600x900mm sheet of anodized alloy once!

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