cleaning throttle bodies is something i recommend everyone to do..

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mafi-zed, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    because chances are they are as FILTHY and grotty as mine were, its almost asif someone poured oil into the intake, it was covered by atleast 1mm of oil all round behind the butterfly, i got rid of as much of it as i possibly could.. my yellow clean rag is now pitch black.. its shocking..





    the abused victom..

  2. ports

    ports the pro

    Can't agree with you more...this was my 1st 'mod'. :)
  3. 5K1TZX

    5K1TZX Its all never ending....

    I Dont think its worth doing unless..

    you take off your throttle bodies and clean inside the plentum as best you can. Just had mine chemical dipped when I had it sprayed blue so it was crystal clean inside and out and felt a noticable diffence in responce.

    My opinion anyway...
  4. tom@pzp


    this is what mine looked like...

    ...a few weeks after arriving from Japan.


    5K1TZX: where did you take your plenum to get done and how much? i'm polishing mine so i should probably get it cleaned before i finish the polishing.
  5. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    thats what mine was like.. did you see much difference zrated?
  6. 5K1TZX

    5K1TZX Its all never ending....

    ZRATED i got mine done at repco, cost 60 bucks but it looks amazing after.

    After cleaning, good enough to eat off! (is pefect inside aswell)


    After painting:

  7. tom@pzp


    at repco hey?

    didn't know they offered a cleaning service....
  8. tom@pzp


    yeah did notice a difference in throttle response

    and it got rid of my hesitation issues aswell! :thumbsup:

    Definately recommended!!!

    I'll be interested to see what my zed will be like after the plenum clean and my slightly bored throttle bodies... even though it shouldn't made a difference due to flow rates thru the lower plenum.

    might give the upper and lower plenum a slight boring and see how she goes. :cool:
  9. Tosh Tosh

    Tosh Tosh living in NA denial.....

    Absolutely :thumbsup: mine looked almost identical.....

    ...maybe worse :eek: . The job was more than worth it!
  10. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    i cant believe the difference..

    took the car for a drive last night and wow.. everything improved, from idle to smoothness, gear changes were better, could drive at a lower rpm.. cant believe i waited this long to do it..
  11. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Once you do this, try clearing the self - learn via Datascan

    if you notice a difference in idle speed after doing this then the ECU has been compensating for the altered airflow conditions.

    Usually a good idea to clear the self learn whenever you do work like this anyway...
  12. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    very nice paint job .. repco i come, pre blingo ..!!!!!
  13. erichns

    erichns S15

    How can that make a difference?

    I mean, just cleaning a small part of the throttle body shouldn't make that much difference, isn't it? As the dirt doesn't actually block the airflow, I'm not sure how that improves performance and smoothness, can someone explain? I did get mine done and don't notice much difference.
  14. J4Play

    J4Play New Member

    often wondered the same thing
  15. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Crap buildup can/does get accumulated on TB butterflies

    and can prevent them from opening cleanly/simultaneously or properly closing...

    When idling, try just fractionaly opening one TB by lifting it's linkage without the other side moving and watch how the engine complains.

    Some TB's are so dirty that a visible ridge develops in front of butterflies which is enough to disrupt airflow

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