To the White NA driver who pretended to be ME last night...

Discussion in 'Technical' started by MikeZ, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. MikeZ

    MikeZ Blingz my thing

    For those that will listen:

    Last night I sealed a deal with 51yle300 (Nick) to buy some TT zed parts from him that were advertised on the forum. I was the first to reply, get in contact and we had sealed the deal via PM and e-mail (address and phone number had been swapped). After an unsuccessful phone call to Nick to arrange picking the goods up (there was no answer) I left a PM with him to say I'd called and left details of when I could pick up the goods.

    Well, after getting in contact with Nick today by phone I'm told that someone collected the goods last night. Their name was Mike!! or maybe it was just for that night. Obviously they had grabbed his mobile number from his profile, called him to say they were just around the corner and then pretended to be me so they could pick up my goods.

    This person owned a white NA.

    I hear that you were only after one item so maybe you can get in contact with me so that we can come to some arrangement.

    I'm sure others on the forum will agree that this behaviour should not be tolerated.

    Thanks for your help Nick. I have no hard feelings against you as we have both been had.
  2. J4Play

    J4Play New Member

    very sly!

    pretty harsh, but gotta pay credit for his cunning!

    very cheeky indeed.
  3. OZ-300

    OZ-300 Godfather

    That's pretty low. :thumbsdown: I wonder if this person is a member of the

    forum. If so that's not the type of person we want to attract.

    Hope it works out for you.


  4. BlaZeit

    BlaZeit New Member

    That is pretty wrong :thumbsdown:
  5. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Has to be a member to get profile details I thought...

    What a classless act...

    Will the fake MikeZ please stand up ??? What part was it you were after (real)Mike? We recently raided Cresta and pretty much know everything they have for sale ATM...
  6. MikeZ

    MikeZ Blingz my thing

    A couple of the items...

    were required and the others would have been spares. I'll send you an e-mail.

    Frankly, I can cope with not winning on an auction or "for sale" item but it is the deceitful act that followed that I am frustrated with and want to warn other forum members about!
  7. 51yle300

    51yle300 New Member

    sorry mike! i dont know if he intentionally ment it??

    he just called about 15mins after the pm you sent me and sed he changed his mind and that he could make it tonight instead of tomorrow, and i thought automaticly it was you. the only thing that was odd that he asked how much do i want for it? i thought he was just confirming the price. Im sorry if i offended neone out there, there was just a big misundertanding, he seemed like a really nice guy and ashamed id never seen him b4 that night. BIG SORRYS I NEVER MENT IT TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS :(:(:(:(
  8. Fleet

    Fleet Speed Racer

    hey man that sucks!! i know Nick and he wouldnt have done that on purpose

    so he must have thought the other guy was you. bugger.
  9. MikeZ

    MikeZ Blingz my thing

    Exactly. I've met Nick too.

    It's a pity to see him Zed-less!

    Anyone know who the mystery Zedder is?

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