Mysterious crystals in fuel tank

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by littlechicken, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. littlechicken

    littlechicken Member

    P1010492.jpg I recently picked up a used tank from a wrecker. I made sure it was clean before installing it in my 2+0. It was a big day dropped the subframe and replaced the tank etc etc.

    On cleaning, I found these crystals. They were sugary, quite coarse and did not dissolve in the fuel. I vacuumed it all out and rinsed out the tank in metho.

    I was just wondering if anyone knew of a fuel additive that came in the form of a crystal?

    Apart from this the tank was spotless so am happy its now in.


    PS - am trying to figure out how to include images!
  2. littlechicken

    littlechicken Member

    Top image is inside tank -
  3. Shane001

    Shane001 Well-Known Member

    Top image looks like sand
    SuperZ likes this.
  4. littlechicken

    littlechicken Member

    There was some old fuel that was yellowed - this coloured the crystals. When dried, they were clear and very uniform - this might call for some tests if such a product/additive doesn't exist.

  5. East Coast Z

    East Coast Z Well-Known Member

    This is a guess, but I'd say the tank has been filled at some stage using a container that had that stuff in it.
    Definitely something you don't want in your fuel tank.
  6. Fists

    Fists Well-Known Member

    Does it dissolve well in warm water? I'd say most likely someone at some stage has decided to try the old sugar in the fuel tank revenge mechanism.
  7. littlechicken

    littlechicken Member

    I'm going to suggest the previous owner used a bag of those diesel 'water absorbing' crystals in this tank. In hindsight, there was something that could have been the packaging for these crystals. Apparently these 'can' be used in petrol.
    Overnight a lump dried out and went rock hard. I have just dissolved it very easily in water.
    Good news: Not sand.
    Sugar? not likely? It was so rock hard and not 'sugary'....if that counts as a reason!

    I have cleaned it all out (99%) so am happy to use the tank but I wonder if it adversely affected the previous engine?


    QLDZDR ID=David

    Did you buy the previous engine?

    Seriously, stop feeding it water.......

  9. Shane001

    Shane001 Well-Known Member

    If the filter sock on your pump is intact they're not going to get sucked up into your fuel system anyway, so may not have had any affect on the previous engine.
  10. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    While maybe not being sucked up, they might be sucking up to the sock and restricting flow. Pumps hate having inlet restrictions.
  11. Shane001

    Shane001 Well-Known Member

    Yeah good point, didn't think of that ;)
  12. tuff

    tuff Member

    I vote its meth, bag it up and sell it to the junkies

    Not helpful but im sure it will raise a few smiles
  13. littlechicken

    littlechicken Member

    the thought crossed my mind - too many james bond movies I think!
    I will say it the substance moved quickly to the lowest point of the tank so hopefully all those people using it are pretty safe from having it block the inlet. I also read that those bags are meant to be left in a tank for 2 months then removed - obviously before the bag ruptures. (They come with a string)
    So there it is!

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