QLD 2+2 Targa TT part out

Discussion in 'Car Parts for Sale or Wanted' started by Sketchy, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    In a couple of weeks I'll need to be rid of my spare rolling shell so everything is up for grabs.

    Car is an 89 red manual TT and everything from the front bumper back will be available (aside from the engine at this stage). Have full manual conversion, tweed interior and carpet, dash in good condition, dash pods, windscreens, rear hatch, rear end and pretty much anything else you might need. Paint is faded but comes up brilliant with a quick buff. No clear coat peel or dints in any of the remaining panels.

    Let me know what you're chasing and I can give you a great price. Happy to ship anywhere at your expense.
  2. average Z

    average Z Member

    Full manual conversion kit - how much would you be chasing?
  3. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    For pedal box, clutch master, lines, gearbox, tailshaft and interior trim and any other bits you may need $1200
  4. The Deacon

    The Deacon The Deacon

    Auto TT Fan shroud?
  5. FireHorse

    FireHorse Member

    Hatch infill panel?
    Passenger side windscreen cowl?

  6. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    Car was manual and the fan shroud got minced, sorry mate.

    Will have the infill panel, you mean the bit between the tail lights externally?

    The external windscreen cowl was shit so I ripped it off. Wouldn't have sold it to you in the condition it was in anyway mate.
  7. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    Have an offer on the box itself, if nobody speaks up on the conversion kit I'll move it on.
  8. Mr G

    Mr G Active Member

    What's the condition of the targa-top hook and rubber ends (the bit that runs between the targas)?
  9. FireHorse

    FireHorse Member

    Infill Panel

    No worries,

    the hatch rear piece

    hard to get off without breaking I am told...
  10. tinjek

    tinjek The Red Zed

    How much for the engine loom if its good condition?
  11. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    Looks pretty good from a quick look over the weekend.

    Have it, but it has a crack on the left side. You can have it if it of any use to you (should be an easy repair at the plastic welders who do my other works on this kind of stuff)

    I'll make sure I dont need it first but if so say $100?

    Does anyone need interior bits and pieces? Otherwise I'll be looking to sell the rolling shell off complete fairly soon.
  12. Martin Williams

    Martin Williams Well-Known Member

    Left hand/Passenger front wing and passenger door, please pm me a price and your location

    Thanks Martin
  13. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    Sorry mate, left guard and door got trashed and have already gone to the tip.
  14. FireHorse

    FireHorse Member

    Cool, will grab :)

  15. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    Price drop because I'd rather sell the lot to a Zed guy than just the box.

  16. simlenton

    simlenton Member

    Im after a pair of wind deflectors from the front of the TTop frame...do u have???
  17. Sketchy

    Sketchy Sick to the power of rad

    Are these the little metal pop up hinges? If so, yes do have a spare set.
  18. fuZed

    fuZed Rocket Jockey

    Did the car have a clutch booster? If yes, was it in good condition still, as in, no vac leak?
  19. Kiwi Zed

    Kiwi Zed Refuse to grow old member

    What is the condition of the seat belts like, even the passenger one if possible as the ratchet mechanism on mine is slow and sometimes won't even retract!
  20. simlenton

    simlenton Member

    ill take them..send me cost to 6167

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