Can anyone identify this ZEES exhaust?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by 84z90z, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. 84z90z

    84z90z New Member

    I have the opportunity to obtain a JDM ZEES axleback for a steal, but I'm having trouble finding out what model it is. I thought it was the ZEES Cyber GT, but after looking all over the place I realized these ones are different in that the tip starts off smaller and then gets big. It's about 3" piping size and 5" tips. The mufflers are stamped "ZEES Sawamura GCZ32 - 0001". I know GCZ32 signifies a 2+2 TT chassis but, what about the 0001? The guy I'm getting it from believes it was either a prototype or possibly the 1st Z32 ZEES exhaust. I wonder how accurate that is..

    Any info would be appreciated, I'm in the U.S. and seriously can't find any info other then some mediocre google results. Feel free to share some ZEES exhausts in pictures :)

    Here's the exhaust in question:





  2. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    I would say that gcz32-0001 is the model number.

    Like this one for the R33 Skyline R RB26DETT ZEES

    This one here has the Part Number in the same format of the Skyline one, so maybe your is a bit different. This one is pretty cheap too. $310 US + shipping.

    Contact Gibbon Tamer and see which one he got. Might have gotten the same one.
  3. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

    Ahmed, interested in that FB ad? ;)
  4. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Ive got the quad tip zees exhaust & it definitely sounds great & looks even better. The one in the picture i have seen before but have no idea of what model it is

  5. 84z90z

    84z90z New Member

    The model number being a different format is interesting. I would love to pick up that quad zees exhaust, but it would be too much hassle to import to the U.S. :/
  6. 84z90z

    84z90z New Member

    Yea, this is the one on FB lol

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