Happy Z Halloween!!!

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ABZ300, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Hi guys,
    Just thought i would wish everybody a Happy Z Halloween!!! Its still 1.5 days to go...but its never too early to start scaring people lol

    Saw this pic on fb so i thought i would share :)


    Hope you enjoy your halloween & remember to scare the little kids with your scary Z's :D

  2. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    I hate halloween

    Too many crappy kids not even bothering to dress up knocking (begging) at doors asking 'trick or treat?' It may as well be 'treat or treat' because they'll be pretty pissed if you showed them some lame trick and not give them any candy.

    I should know because I used to be one of these kids :eek:
  3. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Lol...ive never celebrated halloween nor have i ever had kids come to my house asking for candy.

    However i always tell my cousin & his friends to always go to rich suburbs like toorak :p instead of like broady or footscray lol as they would be giving out cadbury blocks & nice candy instead of possible drugged up candy or el-cheapo home brand candy :p

  4. Kiwi Zed

    Kiwi Zed Refuse to grow old member

    Awesome pik:D, I agree with the others, though back in NZ I never got tormented by to many kids, if all else fails I can release the hound (German Shepherd) an hope they are scared by her looks an not her licking them to death :rofl:

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