Future 300ZX owner, got some questions.

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by BodenM, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. boo5t

    boo5t Member

    mate make sure you get a exemption, i have a tt on my P's,. Dont ask why i am still on them. EVERYTIME i am pulled over i am asked is it turbo and wheres my form
  2. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna cross the floor here. :eek: I wish I got a 2+0, yes the back seat is great for more hoes but it misses out on that Japanese lambo feel I don't want a practical car.. ok let me rephrase that "I dont want a car to carry more hoes even if they barely fit in the back." if you want more hoes they go in the trunk while unconscious...and maybe one on the floor.^5 I agree the 2+2 looks better externally but inside its just a GT car where as the 2+0 feels fantastically impractical and thats what makes it a sports car.

    If the body of a 2+2 was actually a 2 seater it would be perfect!

    Thats good I nearly lost my TT in my pic due to terrible tyres.

    We like newb questions because they're easy, in the tech section everyone aneurysms.
  3. MickW

    MickW Carntry member...

    Instructions for Japanese Lambo feel and look from a 2+2 Zed

    1. Remove the cargo blind.

    2. Fold the rear seats forward.

    3. Put a LARGE picture of the top view of a HUGE engine on the rear deck.

    I should patent this idea :rofl:
  4. MickW

    MickW Carntry member...

    Bonnet bang ftw, works equally well on both versions of a Zed :D
  5. Gumby

    Gumby Legit.

    Bahaha just dont dent the z!!
  6. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    Get a N/A manual 2+2, do a plenum pull and 100k service, lighten her up as much as possible without making it look like a track pig, fit some go fast bits, make her look how you want, then enjoy!

    If I had my time again I would if focused on making it perform from the beginning, and not making it looking the part... Then again, I always knew I was going to transplant a TT into it.

    Fun times ahead!
  7. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    add some stickers for some extra kilowasps
  8. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    Everybody loves stickers, especially bitches.

    Bitches love stickers.
  9. BodenM

    BodenM No ZX just yet :(

    Maybe I should get some fender shopping lists :p :rofl:
  10. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    Only if you don't have the parts in the car.
  11. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

  12. 8300zx9

    8300zx9 Active Member

    Well I was actually thinking of taking the seats out and fab up a fill in that's the same height as the rest of the floor (just as if uou had the seats down) and have it come down on and angle just near the front seats.

    Carpet it, maybe put a small sub in, and have the top hinged so you can put stuff in there...
  13. BodenM

    BodenM No ZX just yet :(

    I can be like the guy with a R33 GT-R I saw yesterday, he had a giant Ralliart banner across the top of the windscreen and a TRD badge on the back of the car :eek:
  14. waynoz

    waynoz New Member

  15. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G


  16. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Regarding a P plater on turbos...

    What do you propose to do with insurance?? Would you have to lie to them and say its a non turbo? Good luck if you ever need them in the future.. They'll take your money and then deny you the claim....

    And if you caused an accident and they find out you were driving a car that you were not allowed to be in, in the first place, you will get your arse handed to you in court.

    The NAs are still an awesome car. Still looks cool looks almost identical to the TT and when driving in the city, your restricted to the speed limit (if you are smart) or restricted to the acceleration of the econobox in front of you anyway.
  17. Jordz

    Jordz Fashionably Late

    Allow me to put into perspective how good a stock standard NA can be. I bought mine in shouse condition. Hoses were full of gunk, ALL filters were clogged and the fuel was dirty. It cost me $200 for a pod filterer with adaptor, new oil and fuel filters, a bottle of mukout for the radiator and a fuel system cleaner + a tank of 95 octane. The difference was very noticeable.

    The best part is the next day a wanker i went to school with pulled up next to me at the lights in his Turbo R32. He was nearly keeping up with me, bout half a car back when i saw a flash in the mirror from his car and then a loud bang. Later found out he was running 12psi and blew his turbo trying to keep up :p
  18. SRB-2NV


    R32 GTSt's are slow as shit.....could have just been a bad driver.
  19. Jordz

    Jordz Fashionably Late

    Could also have been that i had more stickers.

    Lets not forget that bitches love stickers.

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