Won't start

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Jsambo, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Jsambo

    Jsambo New Member

    Ok just want 2 no what the computers are for under the inner trims on the 2+2 as I have just unbolted them and moved them 2 start prepping the second half of the car and when I tried 2 move it the car would not start up ??? Can any one help
  2. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    under passenger floor board is the cars main ECM, auto-management and cruise control (plus maybe hicas) in the trims I thought were ABS and Fuel controller (FPU)
  3. Jsambo

    Jsambo New Member

    Yer I no the cars ecu comp with gear box and another comp is under the pass side foot plate but there are 2 computers on both sides of the car that are hidden under the trim there the ones I want 2 find out what there 4 as there the only thing I have moved ???
  4. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    under what trim exactly? you might be talking about the FPCU but until we know where in the car it is its hard to say
  5. Jsambo

    Jsambo New Member

    It is the trim that is between the the rear seat and the quarter windo panel the computers are located directly under the quarter window
  6. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

  7. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    oh and its way easier to just bypass it at the fuel pump itself by earthing the white wire going to the pump under the spare wheel
  8. Jsambo

    Jsambo New Member

    Ok cool so that may be why my car won't start

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