Cant get the zed into "P"

Discussion in 'Technical' started by BooZX, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. BooZX

    BooZX That Guy

    Hi guys,

    my zed was running fine, no dramas when i got home the car would not shift into "P".
    being tired after a long day of work I jiggled the key and it came out and i thought stuff it ill deal with it later.

    now that is later, i realised my key should not have come out at all, as the car needs to be in P to "unlock the key"

    so now the car wont shift into park, even using the little switch on the front of the auto shifter.

    no key, no car start. can anyone help?
  2. sbe

    sbe New Member

    (General help only. Not familiar with ZX auto)

    Most auto's should start in P or N.

    To go into P the transmission has a pin that's pushed forward to lock the transmission - perhaps an issue there? Roll forward / back - any better?

    Ultimately the no start thing is just an electrical switch anyway. Find the switch and bypass it - WITH YOUR FOOT ON THE BRAKE - if it starts and it's in gear it will want to go.

    Good luck. Maybe someone else can shed more light for you.
  3. misszen

    misszen Red ones go faster!

    Your battery and footbrake need to be working to get it out of P but it should go into P no problems.

    Is the lock pin on the steering wheel in or out?

    I get the impression that the lock pin is damaged given you got the key out, you will have to remove the steering cover to have a closer look.

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